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  1. Was just wondering where do you Manchester airsofters ( if there are any) skirmish at as I'm yet to find anywhere close and open regularly

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    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      I live like 10 mins away from Halo Mill, I think it's good if you can get there on a weeknight for a bit but it's very small. I wouldn't go there for a full day skirmish personally.

    3. Fugi94


      Ok thanks going this weekend to either Cerberus or first and only probably will go to f&o as it's cheaper £40 for the best hire kit whilst Cerberus is £45 with normal hire kit is this the right decision bear in mind this is my first skirmish

    4. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      They should both be good so yeah I don't think you'll be making a bad decision. I don't go airsofting as much as I'd like unfortunately and I haven't been to any of Cerberus' sites, but I do know First & Only are good (went to their Hey Wood site for my first skirmish, just before it closed)

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