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Posts posted by Standbystandby

  1. Hey guys, I am new to the sport and still learning the ropes. I understand the need for a ukara database. My question is does it make any difference if you are a firearms license holder? I have had a firearms license for sometime and it seems odd I can't buy a replica of a real gun I already own!....... Well saying that,knowing the government not that strange!

    Cheers Guys

  2. Hey peeps, had my account for a while but due to the arrival of my children I was unable to get into the sport... I am based in sussex so if anyone can suggest a good site it would be appreciated!

    Also , I'm a shift worker and so being able to go to the same site 3 times could take a loooong time. I get the whole ukara defence thing. Do you guys think hire and play until I'm on the register ( ukara that is lol) or go two tone?


    Cheers guys!

  3. Hello, new to the sport airsoft. Looking to get into the sport and have a good time. Having spent sometime in the world of firearms I have massively impressed with the tactics and training involved in airsoft. Looking forward to playing a lot more. Got to be honest learning about the best makes of rifs out there is a bit daunting! Any advice would be great ... Prepare to standby.....standby!

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