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  • Guns
    G36E, mp5, p8
  • Loadouts
    Germany panzer grenadier and british policeman
  • Sites
    south region of Russia
  • Gender
  • Location
    Rostov-on-Don, Russia

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  1. Honestly I don't know )) maybe organizers have missed something.. some video from the last year's game
  2. hi all! thank you for your answers! I've already found the good picture of badge in google. Of course Im not going to walk around in the form of a police officer, it is for airsoft only in a limited location. Here in Russia (south region) we have some rules about airsoft (not legal it's our own), for example do not wear insignia in public places and all weapons must be in bags. In this game we reconstruct Ulster Ireland conflict and my playrole is british policeman. here are some our photos for your pleasure ))
  3. hello, friends! can somebody help me with police blue and white label like on the photo? I can make it myself but I need good clear picture. Thanks in advance!
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