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Posts posted by MonsterKraft

  1. I've been looking into getting a pair of gloves for airsoft, knuckle shots hurt like hell. And for some reason, my hands always end bashed up afterwards.


    I've seen a lot of gloves and heard a lot of reviews on different gloves.

    Do you think it'd be over kill purchasing a pair of Oakley SI Assault gloves? They look pretty baller in my opinion. I know someone in the armed forces who uses them and say they're very nice.




    Are there any other kinds of gloves I should be looking at?

  2. I'm 16 and I've taken a liking into airsoft, I've been to a couple of skirmishes and rented guns. I really enjoyed it.


    I've been reading up on UKARA though, I'm not sure if I'm totally correct as I'm a little confused about it.

    Am I right thinking here:

    -I can't be UKARA registered as I'm only 16


    But... I do want to get an RIF to go to skirmishes with, I know I can't buy the RIF myself. If I were to have a family member buy it for me, and it was gifted to me, is it possible to still go to skirmishes and use it?



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