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Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&D DTW
    TM M9
  • Loadouts
    MTP Trousers
    MTP Osprey
    Hikerson Boots
    Dye I4
  • Gender
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  1. Good Evening all, Have this for my main loadout however there is something missing just can't put my finger on it what you think I could add to it? Was looking at bolt cutters or folding shovel for the back not too sure any help would be appreciated!
  2. Evening lads and gals, Anyone have steam and up for a bit of Dayz or just in general up for a few games, My steam is Pro_italian so drop me an add we can get some games on the go
  3. Thanks guys! And thank you evilfree for the sites will probably have a game in section 8 soon
  4. Could someone give me some general information on the G&D DTW? Just like what mags they take spring sizes etc, thanks!
  5. Hi guys, Quite new to the airsoft scene after moving from Paintball, had been playing for about 3 years before so I have a good frame of mind and strategy's and tactics, I think I had made the right move from Paintball to Airsoft, loving the guns and the amount of detail however trying to get used to the internals will take a while to get use to, currently have a d&g dtw, with a red dot sight, however I was supposed to get a flashlight and a laser but I got scammed not the best start to the sport but it won't get me down still have a gun! I have dye i4s for a mask and my kit is a mtp Osprey, with mtp trousers and ubacks. I do live up in Glasgow so if anyone lives near give me a message and we shall get a game! Hopefully if I extend my range for games and such will see some of you up and down the UK! Can't wait to break into the sport and get going!
  6. Hello, I am very new to Airsoft and love it so far have had 3 games with rental guns so went out and got my own, It was working fine shot a few rounds but when I was putting the battery back on I had the breach open (G&D DTW) and now anytime I connect it ether when the breach is open or close its goes crazy and the gear just keeps spinning anytime I connect it, I cant shoot or anything! If you have any idea on what it could be or help me or I could take anywhere please message me I am very keen to get a game with it! Thank you and hope to see some of you on the fields!
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