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Everything posted by Undieing_Lust

  1. I tried zooming in to look for trademarks but its to pixely.
  2. So I need help with shimming my gearbox on my ICS CXP M4. This is only the second time I have ever shimmed a gearbox and it went fine last time. But I have run into a little problem. I followed this guide: http://airsofttutorials.com/tutorials/shimming.html The Problem I am having is the gearbox whines really loud. I have tried adjusting the motor height and the noise is still there. Also the trigger locks up and I have to put it into safety to reset the trigger, and the motorplate has cracked on me so am waiting for a newone to arrive. untill such time I cant test the gun.
  3. So what are you going to do in the mean time...You cant wait a year...What about an ARES L1A1 SLR?
  4. Aye cheers for that mate. I got them to order me in the stock screw which came today. FS is great, epic customer support.
  5. The SAS really know how to do the undercover work...I never would have known.
  6. Looking for a ICS M4/M16 Stock Adapter I have not been able to find one in stock anywere and hoping someone might know were I can get one from. untill then my gun is dead in the water
  7. Yes the general public. You have to have a reason for it. like CCW and prove you NEED it, also for sporting purposes is fine. I shoot with people monthly who own them for competitions. We have a Practical Pistol every 4th saturday and also service shoots. (Edit: I would post pictures but the forum Is not letting me...)
  8. I would show you guys pictures but the forum is not letting me post them. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  9. You could try eBay for a BRITISH ARMY SURPLUS ISSUE MTP MK. 4 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UK-BRITISH-ARMY-SURPLUS-ISSUE-MTP-MK-4-OSPREY-BODY-ARMOUR-MOLLE-VEST-COVER-G1-/200953190457?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&var=&hash=item2ec9be5839
  10. Really good job! If you didnt say which was fake and which was real, I would have not been able to tell.
  11. Hey Mate! welcome to the Forums! Glad to see you joined. the more GZC members the better...All we need now is Mack to drop in and say Hi
  12. Welcome to the forums! The people here are really dead on. Am sure you'll fit right in.
  13. To me it looks like the barrel could do with some more towards the back and the sight base.
  14. Thats a really dick thing to say.... its a sport about having fun and honesty.... Some REALLY good players I know only use a Battle belt...Gear does not make the player... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tc6HyxyafY Like Decky from 9:37 to 10:40
  15. Like what M_P Said the only good one is the TM. Using a V1 gearbox. Upgrade or even replacement parts are rare at best, including magazines.
  16. Epic Music: Two steps from hell - Protectors of the Earth. Like am going to jump out of a plane backwards, dual wielding 50.cals thats Epic.
  17. I dont really go for a "Look" I get what works best for me. If you think about it. All the Special forces units look a specific way they do becuse its what works well for them and their AO. Same for me, I get what works best for me.
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