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Everything posted by ForestFighter

  1. I recieved my ICS AK74 in the post from Firesupport with the handguard, pistol grip and stock in red as requested (thanks, FS!), which looked OK really, but I personally like the OD style of AK furniture. As such, I also have a roll of army issue sniper tape to potentially wrap parts of the gun in that OD colour. Anyway, I wanted to get a bit of a clarification on the law regarding wrapping these parts with tape, whether that weapon is then classified as an RIF and whether I can then be charged with manufacturing an RIF or not, should the authorities take notice. Having read other material on this forum, I have seen mixed reports about this (also, I have seen no direct discussion regarding tape, aside from a few lines here and there which say the following, hence the new thread). Most seem to say that taping over the two-tone parts is not a permanent alteration to the two-tone status of the gun and thus is not classified as manufacturing a RIF and so is not a legal offense, however others have said that this should only be done at a game site and the tape removed upon leaving said game site, otherwise you would be running a certain risk. So, the question I really have at the moment is; can I use my two-tone gun taped up for just screwing about in the garden for now until I can organise to go to a game day, without the risk of the police coming and having the ability to take action? Also, if the police did come and take interest, could I simply remove the tape and expose the two-tone again on-the-spot, to avoid further reprocussion?
  2. As i'm really a beginner to this whole thing, my interest in airsoft really began with videogames. I used to play CoD all the time, which then evolved into Battlefield and if I could run any of their damn games properly, I'd be well into ArmA, too. I think for me, my gaming interest gradually moved more and more towards the realism side of things, until discovering airsoft, where buying myself a gun and doing it for as real as possible without having to join the army and actually kill people, seemed the next logical step. Also, I too was recently drawn in by the likes of The Mighty Jingles, LevelCap and the forums' own Bullet4MyEnemy who do a really great job of explaining the sport and showing just how fun and good-spirited it really is. I remember back in 2006 when I first had my interest piqued, there was barely anything on youtube in the way of reviews, videos or much of anything to do with airsofting but recently, when I went back to take a look at airsofting content, I found reams and reams of airsoft content from reviews, to game helmet and gun cams to commentaires, which I think is really great for allowing people to see what it's all about. The fact that there is a TON of stuff out there now seems to suggest that this is becoming more popular.
  3. I haven't really done anything on this as a project per-se and these are the very initial stages (nothing here is dimensioned correctly, just traced pretty poorly from images - the original designers would probably pull their hair out to see how butchered their designs have become here) but since I was thinking about AKs and the lack of RIS rails on them generally, I came up with a little idea. Seeing as I have seen many examples of people carving their own AK furniture and integrating things such as foregrips into the design, I thought to myself "maybe it would be interesting to see an AK handguard design with a magpul AFG built into the design. Not as an attachment, but actually integrated, the handguard and AFG from one piece of wood. So, being trained in AutoCAD, I hopped on the computer and churned out these few prototype ideas in a few hours. If I can get proper dimensions of things somewhere, maybe i'll take a stab at carving the furniture myself. I'm just curious to see what others think of this idea, as utterly mental as it might be. (I realise this is a little out of the ordinary for the DIY section as it usually involves something you have actually done, but I didn't want to start a whole new topic for something that might ultimately just be long forgotten about in weeks to come. ) Edit; Bottom one should read "AK74 W/O DETAILS". D'oh!
  4. Hi there! A new arrival, hailing from sunny Wales - south originally, west, currently. I'm pretty damn new to the world of airsofting, having never skirmished (but hopefully looking to go to a few here and there) and also having only owned one AEG before (a really, really cheap CYMA G36C back when I was 15), but my interest got rekindled recently. I've just bought myself an ICS AK74 and before and since then, I found myself browsing countless forums for info on various topics, so I though it best to actually join one. Although i'm most likely going to be just lurking and reading due to my pretty weak knowledge on the topic, I might throw a few things out around here or there. (The DIY thread is especially interesting to me right now.) From what i've been reading, you guys seem to have a pretty good, mellow and understanding attitiude here, which is cool. So yeah... Good to be here! (Apologies in advance for the long-winded nature of my posts, I have never been good at keeping it short and simple on forums, so if you TL;DR most of what I say, I understand. )
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