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    WE M&P Big Bird - JG Bar 10
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  1. Did some accuracy and range testing today. My target is a meta pipe about the length of a torso and I placed it at around 130 feet. Out of 10 shots 5 would hit the target. The odd one or two were widely off target an the rest were probably due to me being a noob at sniping. I wasn't proned, I was just holding the sniper stood up and aiming down the scope. The scope seems to be zeroed in already obviously the BBs don't hit at the center of the crosshairs but this is Airsoft not Battlefield 4. Had an issue where the bolt wouldn't lock back into place. Taking it apart it's the pin that keeps slipping down, is there a fix for this? Also what could be causing some shots to go widely of target? Could it be no bbs are too light at 0.3g?
  2. Managed to do some test shots this morning. Using .25g BBs and they fly out straight as an arrow! They go so far that I can't actually see the drop Will be getting some 0.3g and 0.32g BBs soon and will use them to test accuracy and zeroin my scope.
  3. All upgrade parts are in apart from the concave nub which is still in the post. Wasn't too difficult to upgrade using that YouTube video. So FPS has gone up from 330 to 385 which is great. Not sure of accuracy and range as it got dark and I'm using 0.25g bbs. Since my FPS is sub 400 what weight BBs should I use?
  4. Decided to get the parts from a UK based retailer instead. They don't do the two hop rubbers I've sown here but have the Action Army one instead. Im sure I'll get similar results with this one. Also the barrel is an Action Army "silver streak" one, I'm assuming it's the same thing?
  5. Oh yeah I'm getting a whole new unit doh!
  6. Thinking of getting a dangerwax or Airsoft Pro hop lever too
  7. Finally decided on these upgrades. Note I'm not going to increase the FPS just yet, going to try the sniper out in the field with these upgrades. If I like it then I'll go and increase the FPS and relevant parts for that.
  8. I can't find any information on the biro mod
  9. Decided to try fixing it again today, all I did was losen the Alan key screws on the body and it works flawlessly! My next issue is I can't really see a difference between having the hop on or off. Does it need bedding or is there something else I need to check.
  10. I'll dissmantle it and put it together again, but cant see anything obvious. I got the JG bevcasue alot of reviews said they buiild quality is actually pretty good.
  11. I put it back to gether again and it fires! However when I've cocked the handle back I have to jiggle it about for it to go back in. Something it catching......
  12. Ok will try that tomorrow. Shame it doesn't work out of the box, bit of a let down.
  13. It's stiffer pulling back, once pulled all the way back it's much easier for it to go back into the neutral position. In fact if I let go it goes back all by itself. I have a feeling it's something in the trigger box, when I press the trigger it seems really lose. And I hear a squeaking noise.
  14. Yep all the way back until it stops, then I keep my hand on the handle and let it moves back into position. I feel a click just about when it going back into its neutral position. I've tightened the trigger gaurd screw to no avail.
  15. Took it apart and cocked it. The first image shows the trigger unit NOT cocked: As you can see that pin at the front is at the top. Now when I've pulled the cock back it moves here: Then when I move the cocking handle back to its original place the pin moves back to how it was in the first picture. Is that the fault?
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