so i'm still a complete noob at this - only been skirmishing since January, and have been 5 times so far but have caught the bug - BIG TIME have spent a little bit on starter kit and bought a used G&G GR16 CQW which i have put new tb barrel, hop rubber & nub, spring and also had gears reshimmed and regreased Its firing a steady 330fps and range and accuracy i'm very satisfied with I would like however, to either improve the rate of fire and/or trigger response (both if can be done easily) I've looked a little into Lipo's but dont want to wreck my internals etc so after some advice of what to upgrade/change and if poss advice on how (or links to youtube etc) ???? ps - i have looked looked at deans / lipos / mosfet / motors etc - but kind of want advice on what combinations i could do in this gun without damaging internals (and if easy for a noob or not)