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Everything posted by WillBurnett

  1. Best thing to do cropzy is to go on youtube and search hydrographics how to and my dip kit. The videos that come will show you both diy home dips and pro companies. Very good stuff!
  2. Ebay is the mother of all! Just type in hydrographics film and there's thousands to pick from to do a gun grip you dont need much. Basically you need to buy the film, hydrographics activator aerosol, lacquer (I used matt lacquer coz I didn't want a shiny grip), you also need to bear in mind a base. With my grip I didn't use a base because it was black which went with the camo, but for exapmle if your using multicam film, you will need to give the grip a white or tan basecoat to allow the film to look its best. The actual process is fairly simple, you need to cut out a piece of film that is the right size for the piece your going to dip. I like to make sure there's about an inch excess all round so I know I have enough. You need to the border all the film with masking tape so it holds its shape I'm the water and also stops it from stratching when activated. To find out which way up the film needs to go in the water you need lick your finger and touch the corner of the film and whichever side is most sticky that goes water side down. So your set up ready to go, what you do next is fill a box up with water to 28-30 degrees (temperature is important!) When you use a box you need to make sure its big enough so whatever you dip doesnt touch the sides or the bottom. have a stopwatch on your phone ready then lay the film on the water and allow it to hydrate for 80seconds before spraying it with activator, just enough so the film goes mirror like and no more, and then slowly lower or dip your piece through the film, give it a shake under water and lift it out. DO NOT TOUCH IT! Rinse it straight away with a shower head or something to get all the gunk off it, takes about 5-10 ,ins then allow it to fully dry for a few hours before lacquer. Then your all done! Sorry for the essay mate! Lol
  3. I done the hydrodipping myself in a plastic box in the bath tub! Its easy enough to do providing you watch enough videos on youtube on how to do it. Its a damn sight cheaper than what some of the companies are charging! Yeah it was one of the madbull launchers id seen that would fit, thanks for the heads up.though I hadn't really thought much about the usability of it!
  4. Hey all, so thought id share this one with you! Here's my custom mp5 which started life as a galaxy mp5k. I bought an m4 RIS system and customised to fit whilst using a universal silencer to get that integrally supressed look. After measuring it all up theres going to be perfect room to fit a shortened grenade launcher underneath! First mp5k I've ever seen that can take a grenade launcher lol! After that I threw a top rail on with soom sights and gave her a wizz, low and behold she shoots perfect. Can't wait to skirmish it! No internal upgrades at the minute but have a few in mind for the future. I also did a bit of cosmetic work to my 6" dan wesson, a few hydrographics dips in urban camo which I think look sweet! Anywho just wanted to share this with you all and get some feedback guys! Will
  5. Just had a nice box of upgrades for my m4 shipped over from taiwangun. After having it seized by customs for 2 weeks it came and threw them on, shorter cqb barrel, precision barrel, lipo, peq, silencer, couple of add on stuff. Hopefully not much more till my loadout is complete
  6. I made something similar with left over wood, painted it black and left it on the drive to dry. After all the questions of why I was putting a crucifix out, I wrapped some tape around it and some camo wrap, looks quite good and you can pop a helmet on top too (if you have one). I nicked the idea of green mountain rangers loadout video on youtube lol
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