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Profile Information

  • Guns
    HFC Mac 11 (more of a toy :P )
  • Loadouts
    Working on it!
  • Sites
    Anything in the south, im game....
  • Gender
  • Location
    Sittingbourne, Kent
  • Interests
    Fishing, hunting and piss balling about on my pc

Jamie_pc's Achievements

  1. just been given the run around by the post office, 1 hr wait to say they have sent the parcel out for delivery again.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      I love it when you get the slip through the door that says "wait 48 hours before collecting"


      WHY?! If I'd been in, I could've had it ages ago! Now you're making me wait 2 days, when it's on a shelf right behind you?! WHAT?! WHY?!?!

    3. evilfree
    4. Jamie_pc


      yep. i just dont get it at all!

  2. planning my short films to help test 'Weapon focus' and its affects on eye witness testimonies.

  3. Insomnia, bad for sleep....great for surfing the net and learning useless crap!!!

  4. Just been dragged around in the rain on a walk with my husky......time for a brew and sitting on my arse!!!

  5. a lay in today, disturbed by my neighbours alarm going off at 6am without no one to turn it off! thanks for that, looks like ill be drilling their wall next weekend nice n early!!!!

    1. M_P


      Buy a drum kit :D

    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Buy a gas SMG and a BFG and just run around your house doing room clearance practice ;)

    3. Jamie_pc


      pmsl, both good options. whos up for a cqb practice at my house?


  6. Vaping, popping pain meds and catching up on Psychology coursework!

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