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  • Guns
    G&G GR16 CQW Rush
    Asia Electric P90 White
    JG MP5 SD5
    CYMA Glock 18c
    Aliens M41a pulse rifle
  • Gender
  • Location
    North East England

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  1. Thanks for the advice guys, appears IMI may be the way to go. Thank to Col Kurts too for the offer however my wife bought the gen 4 and told me last night. Thankfully she bought me the right one.
  2. Hi I'm treating myself to a Glock 17 for Christmas and was looking for a decent holster. Any ideas ? I'm after a quick draw type like a Serpa but not as expensive. Ideally it would be fitted onto a belt or onto a tax vest. All help would be appreciated.
  3. Aa12 for me absolutely no doubts, don't care about price as I've wanted one for like forever. Fav gun at the minute has to be my little Asia electric P90, which I sprayed white and looks awesome.
  4. As to testing I simple attached the P90 and kind of swung it around a bit ( over soft cushions mind). Seriously I have tested this on a few skirmishes with no problem whatsoever.
  5. Hi all, I don't post very often, well at all if I'm honest, however I found a very cheap way to make a chest sling for a p90 aeg. If like others you are having difficulty in locating one or if you nave found one, such as from the vest guy, which costs a fortune this cheap way will save you those precious pennies so you can by more airsoft stuff. Basically I bought a go pro chest camera mount from Amazon for the massive price of £5.74 😀, added a connector clip to the P90 and the chest plate and away you go, a perfectly fitting chest mount for a fraction of the cost of an "actual" mount. I've attached the link for your ease and even left a review on Amazon as I was that impressed. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00ECU4H30?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00 The only extra bits are a couple of clips, one for the chest plate and the other for the rear of the p90 and a bit of strapping which I took off an old backpack and job done. Hope this helps guys.
  6. Guys thanks for all of your advice on this. I keep telling him it only stings a little bit but he was hit in the head with a paintball recently and whilst this will hurt a lot more he's a tad nervous. I dont mind him using my vest until he gets his confidence back. Thanks for the pointers to patrolbase etc ill have a look. I dont take offence at peoples opinions, everyone is entitled, and as someone said if i dont like it ill disregard it,
  7. I wonder if anyone can help. My 13 year old is venturing into airsoft. He uses an old blue tac vest of mine as it has padding on the front and back lessening the impact of the bb's, sadly its too big. Does anyone know where i can get a childs size from ? I bought mine on ebay and it was classed as a journalists vest (the type the use in warzones) with the exception of the bullet proof being replaced with padding. If anyone has ideas it would be appreciated
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