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    Always the bad guys or rebals
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    Anywhere South UK
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    Surrey and Kent

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  1. Anyone live in the Kent, South East Uk area? Meet up mid August and join forces at the Sandpitt?? Should be 9 of us so far from Sinister be good see more friendly faces. :-)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cheeky vimto

      Cheeky vimto

      I could make the 31st :)

    3. GiantKiwi


      Was gonna say, you're unlikely to be doing the 17th unless you book into AI500 :P


    4. jay83


      arh ok they had been test running 3 weekends a month so was hoping one would fall in the middle of August because i know they were talking about it on facebook, ill send them a message. 3rd is no good as CQB training and 30th is a Milsim at Airbourne Airsoft, so was hoping too do one in-between.

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