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    Always the bad guys or rebals
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    Surrey and Kent

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  1. Milsim at Longmoor on Saturday the 8th Nov. So far were out numbered, they have 50 + guys we only have 15 booked in, any help would be great.

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    2. cavninja


      I'd love to be there Jay, but still on foreign shores

    3. Russe11


      Would love to, but am trying to scape the money together for a 3 day long D Day based game.

    4. jay83


      No worries guys i though i would try my best for the extra help! Last time there 5 of us help the upstairs of a house for 2 hours with 50 of them trying to get in. The only way they got us out was by Airstriking it , i though that was cheating! But hey ho.

      Should be fun, hopefully get a few more blokes along from here to help us out. fingers crossed.

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