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    Surrey and Kent

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  1. how do you make your Website Mobile friendly?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      not always, I've had good experience with them. You kust have to mess around and get comfortable with the controls

    3. Deva


      This website does have a mobile theme. It should be working. We've had it since October last year.


      For normal websites look at CSS media queries. Build from the bottom up, so the first bit of CSS you write will likely be the base, the next CSS file may be at 480px, to add a few things in or change the layout, more steps at 768, 992 are common.

    4. jay83


      Devastator i was talking about mine. www.teamsvs.co.uk

      Does not seem to move over to mobile now but was before. ill have to fiddle with it. Its not a free website and it has loads of features i just prob have to look into it a bit was just hoping there was a easy way getting around it.

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