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2506 bloke

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  • Guns
    Umarex H&K M27 IAR
    TM P226
    Ares l85A2
    G&G CM16
    TM g17
    TM m3 tri shot
  • Loadouts
    Afghan British MTP
  • Sites
    ground zero.
  • Gender
  • Location
    South East England
  • Interests
    Airsoft, game shooting

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  1. Will anybody else be going to the british airsoft show next month I am already saving my pennies.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Feckin disgrace. Honestly mate I wouldn't bother. Spend your money on some nice new shiny airsoft stuff and don't go there!

    3. Silentassasin


      Airsoft-Ed I disagree I play both airsoft and have section one firearms! there is plenty of people who are interested in airsoft I know from the shooting community and the show is there for the exact purpose of grabbing passing attention! I will admit that last year it was a little poor situated in a distant corner of the showing halls but from what I see this year it has a much bigger presence I will paying it a visit as will I be paying the arms fair a visit as well but show will o...

    4. M_P


      The main problem is that if it's anything like last year, then it doesn't exactly paint airsoft in a good light if the biggest thing there is justincrediblybrightorangebbguns.

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