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Moose87 last won the day on December 15 2013

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    VFC SR-16
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  1. Anyone an electrician or reallu good with house hold electrics?? Naming shower units.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      otherwise they'll blow up, and put them on either end of the cable then connect them , but my understanding is your melted cable comes from the ceiling and through a wall after that, so you were going to pull through the wall so it dangles from the ceiling, connect then push through wall again?

    3. Moose87


      yer your understanding is right. im gonna ask it the local hardware shop as well to see if they can help. its the negative wire on a cable thats melted so i was just gonna cut the whole cable at the otherside of the wall and connect all wires to a new length and push that through and connect. sounds simple enough lol.

    4. AirsoftTed


      Aye that should be grand what you're planning Moose. She said as long as you insulate the connector and it's no where near water you're good to go.

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