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Moose87 last won the day on December 15 2013

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    VFC SR-16
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  1. i think its amusing that people are crying about abit of wind and i have seen the effect that 3 typhoons in the space of a month has done. Britian needs to get some perspective!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moose87


      lol that is a good summary of british life lol.

    3. NickM


      I think the issue is that Britain isn't prepared to deal with anything other than "average" British weather. I've lived overseas, dealt with Typhoons on a regular basis and driven in inches of fresh snow. The difference is that irregular is just that, out of the ordinary, so rather than spend billions getting all the kit they don't bother and we get a day of disruption. People need to calm down and be more understanding, adjust their expectations.

    4. Moose87


      the thing is its not irregular it happens every year. they are like aww we got caught out by snow again. damn. its december of course it will snow. how it scotland tho do they have all the gritters are out at the first hint of cold weather

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