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Status Replies posted by Insanityx

  1. I hope I will get my UKARA paper approved on next skirmish by the site so I can send it off... Those G36C's I get are getting on my nerves by jamming everytime...

    1. Insanityx


      Yeah, those things suck. The one I used in my second game wasn't too bad. Though almost everything out ranged me by an awful lot. I'm hoping to get in a game in soon while the weather is cold but not too wet so I can get my site membership + UKARA registration sorted.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. The Doctor Who anniversary episode was actually mildly disappointing for me. Anyone else feel this?

    1. Insanityx


      I think it needed to be longer. Should have been 2 parts or something. Then they could of made sense of *spoiler* rather than just making them *spoiler* everything. Plus they would have had more time for the *spoiler* *spoiler* stuff.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Best Video Editor?

    1. Insanityx


      Vegas Pro is the most popular. I hear good things about premier pro though. Its meant to be less prone to crashing and better at utilising your graphics card if you have a good one. Not tried it myself yet though.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Google and Youtube are so pathetic. It asked me a couple of times if i wanted to change my username to my real name. I said no all the time. But this time, doing so, it automatically linked my youtube account to my google account and change my username to my real name. f*cking BOLLOCKS! I WILL PERSONALLY DESTROY GOOGLE FOR DOINGS THIS PATHETIC ACT TO MAKE ME CHANGE MY NAME. f*ck YOU GOOGLE AND YOUTUBE.

    1. Insanityx


      You can change it back. I saw the option last night. Go on youtube, sign in, click the little arrow next to your picture. Then click YouTube settings and it should say "Return to [username] and disconnect Google plus profile." Just click that and it should fix it.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. I'm officially a Uni drop out, signed the papers this morning. Feel much better now. Just have to find something to do...

    1. Insanityx


      I had the same thing Ed, I dropped out last year for similar reasons. Didn't help I was stuck in halls with a bunch of the drunk half wits too. I mean who the f*ck thinks its okay to skateboard down the hallway at 3am?

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  6. Well GTA V is in my possesion. Goodbye life, goodbye girlfriend, goodbye family, goodbye airsoft. I doubt I'll be back..... =D

  7. For some reason I thought my site required 3 games in over 3 months, turns out its only 2 months. Should be able to get my UKARA by the end of this month :D

    1. Insanityx


      @jay83, I think the complications of trying to convince them I'm legit would be a nightmare. I have a local seller who I know quite well but he only stocks two-tone these days.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. For some reason I thought my site required 3 games in over 3 months, turns out its only 2 months. Should be able to get my UKARA by the end of this month :D

    1. Insanityx


      @Esoterick, yeah thats the exact problem I had. I went with my dad his hire wasn't too bad. Mine was a pain. Could just about hit a large door sized target at 20m and the mag feeding was about 50/50 a lot of the time.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. For some reason I thought my site required 3 games in over 3 months, turns out its only 2 months. Should be able to get my UKARA by the end of this month :D

    1. Insanityx


      Maybe it varies at different sites. I know I've seen it as both on different websites. I'll have a look around.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. For some reason I thought my site required 3 games in over 3 months, turns out its only 2 months. Should be able to get my UKARA by the end of this month :D

    1. Insanityx


      I'm just glad I don't have to drag it on waiting another month. I really didn't like the rental gun. Just have to get through 2 more skirmishes.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. WOOOHOOO! Joining my school's rifle shooting club! They use .22 caliber sporting rifles! Will be interested to see how much recoil and sound they make!

    1. Insanityx


      Like the others said, no real recoil or a lot of sound usually. Sometimes they have metal on the back wall behind the target and that makes a pretty awesome sound. Great fun none the less. :D

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

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