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Hubert last won the day on January 13 2013

Hubert had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    Currently playing with:
    Walther PPK & P99 with suppressor, SIG-Sauer P228
    W.E. L85 & SUSAT
  • Loadouts
    FBI/ NYPD Detective.
    Generic soldier 2007+
  • Gender
  • Location
    SE. London
  • Interests
    Military history, 40K, sci-fi, battlefield 3, politics, painting & art (I'm an occasional artist)

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  1. "We'll be round to drop of the package at 1pm today" Really UPS? I've been sat here all day, and according to the status, you haven't even collected the infernal thing. Why people still insist on using UPS is beyond me...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      well my stuff usually comes in a royal mail van, no UPS or Fed-Ex bull crap

    3. Hubert


      Never dealt with Fed-Ex before. Royal Mail can be hit and miss. Many times I've been given the "sorry you weren't in" card, when the postie has literally just seen me.

    4. AK47frizzle


      haha lol, well i've never had that. They seem to just knock on the door and give what I ordered to me and if me and my parents are not in, they give it to my next door neighbour who are decent enough to give it back to us at the end :D Happy days.

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