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  • Guns
    Upgraded VSR11 Sniper rifle
  • Loadouts
    Woodland and desert dpm's
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    None within 200 miles
  • Gender
  • Location
    scottish highlands
  • Interests
    Flashlights, shooting, mountain bikes and motorbicycles.

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  1. First game of paintball was GREAT fun, just a shame about the price of paintballs :(

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Master Sniper MJ

      Master Sniper MJ

      After reading this i agree paintballing is fun but soo expensive but so is arisfot haha oh and craig everyone has an opinion i think airsoft and paintball hurt about the same cos being hit in the hand hurts especially on the bone so he never called you a pussy in any term just stated his opinion that he thought it hurt more. simple really to each their own opinion


    3. Airsoft-Ed


      I just view as you making really wild assumptions because you either misunderstand or just feel the need to assert yourself over people.

      You always go further than simply correcting people.


      No one has ever reported you, very few people are ever reported actually. What I was saying is that if I asked someone to guess who the most complained about member was, I'd expect them to say you, because of these sort of things when you go overboard on people.


      It's u...

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      *It's unnecessary. Chill out. This isn't ZeroIn.

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