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  • Guns
    Upgraded VSR11 Sniper rifle
  • Loadouts
    Woodland and desert dpm's
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    None within 200 miles
  • Gender
  • Location
    scottish highlands
  • Interests
    Flashlights, shooting, mountain bikes and motorbicycles.

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  1. If i was to start selling new vsr10 steel 1st and 2nd sears for £17 (for both) would anybody be interested? cheers

    1. NickM


      I'd be interested if it was a new, tried and tested design that is better than the ones I can get now. You'd have to be careful you aren't infringing patents etc for existing products.

    2. rexfan10


      Thank you for your feedback Nick,

      Im afraid its just plain old shs sears, they tend to retail for around £30 a set ( £28 on ASPUK ) so i thought some people might be interested in getting them £10 cheaper :P

      I could sell them for £15 which would be half the rrp if i got enough people interested though :P

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