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    Krytac CRB
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    S.W.A.T Urban / Fortress
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  1. Planning to visit the Wolf Armouries shop this weekend for my birthday, hear the staff can be a bit dodgy but still looking forward to it!

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    2. RICHARD-AK47


      im going wolf tomo as they are the only shop that has what i need to fix my m9 . wont be dodgy with me otherwise ill tell them to F*** O**

    3. CaptainDumbass


      Ironically, I took a trip to Camden with a few mates to check it out yesterday. We got turned away at the door by rather rude staff as one of the boys was 17 and not above 18 despite showing them all of our UKARA cards.... -.-

    4. CaptainDumbass


      Pissed off I discover that there was a better store just a few minutes away from there the day after... -_-

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