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Posts posted by geoffreym

  1. at the risk of hi-jacking this thread, my new car, only £1100, and the insurance should cost £900.


    not bad for a first time driver :lol:










    yes, my M60 is on top, and i have every intention of fashioning a cradle and removable mount for it on the back, possibly a dual mount if i decide to get a second pig :D.


    and this is going to be my last post on this section of the forum for a very long time.

  2. Y'know, I thought that the ASCU's were meant to be high end quality upgrade parts? But the wiring they come with is SH*T! Monumentally sh*t! It's made out of some sort of >sh*t< multi-strand tin wire that snaps if you so much as touch it, so I've now had to re-wire and re-solder the motor connectors 5 f*cking times and they STILL keep F*CKING snapping!


    I feel more like throwing my M16 against a tree than bothering to do anything with it anymore. I'm going to send it to Patrol Base to get it serviced, shimmed, rewired and everything basically - if I do it myself I WILL smash it against a tree.


    if it's any consolation, the ASCU will make the gun feel and fire that much better, had mine since release, and it's still got a trigger response equivalent to a PTW.


    as for me, pissed off because "i don't party, and get roaring drunk" every night means i'm a pessimistic arsehole.

  3. I'm on my phone, so the pictures took a while to load, I thought you meant an actual pig..


    What brand is it? I want one..


    Yep A&K, absolutely awesome, gun is rock steady, the box mag is a bit of weak point though.


    Why is you belt open??? What the hell have you been doing to that poor gun!!! :P


    Those aren't the only photo's ;)

  4. You've just described the female condition perfectly. Say one thing, do another and want neither. I have this problem sometimes too...Have you considered animal sacrifice coupled with a satanic ritual?


    I've found most women are very good at saying, doing and wanting the same thing** if you present yourself to them covered in the feces and blood of a slaughtered animal...100% effective...


    As for being superfit.....UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURGH...


    **That thing is probably a restraining order, but at least the sacrifice works in that it garners consistency...


    i've had the animal sacrifice work once or twice, normally with little spiders lol. blood and faeces, never tried, never planning. mud and blood, worked twice. lol

  5. That's alright then, I've had conflicting views, some say "Be super fit before you apply" others tell me "That's why everyone does basic", so I'm a little confused...


    the only way your going to get in the forces is by being superfit, everytime i've gone for ADSC they've moved the boundaries forward and as far as i can tell, the only thing they're really interested in is the running and command tasks.

    last time i went (march 2011) there was a skinny quiet guy, who could barely do 120kg on the static lift, 3 heaves and even though i never found out, i'm pretty sure his back extension's were crap. problem was he did his run in 7.48 and could do a good amount of press ups (thing is I benched him 20 times) and he didn't say a word during the command task. he walked away with a high B grade. I, on the other hand, did 380kg on the static, 12 heaves, very vocal during the command tasks, but because i did a 10.42 run, they deferred me. planning to go through university and train as a trauma nurse/paramedic, then a doctor while in the TA. hopefully by then the economy will have sorted itself out.


    I, my flatmates, and the lovely girls of the flat opposite us are very likely going to be lumbered with a hefty fine and a cleaning bill.

    There are stains on the floor, doors and there's a strange smell lingering in our 2 flat's corridors.


    No, nothing fun or interesting happening.


    We're getting blamed for egging our own flats.

    Some cretin took offence to one of my mates calling security because said cretin was throwing ICE balls at his window at 3AM on Sunday. So he and his mates returned with eggs, full fat milk, and one of those tubs of garlic-mustard sauce you get at pizza-takeaway places. And rubbed them over our doors and carpets in the hallway.


    Why the hell would we egg our own flats?


    The flat stinks and I'm going to get money taken off me.


    can't you take that to civil court? do you know who actually did it? i'd say a bit of aggressive persuasion would be in order :angry:


    as to me, lazy a**** scared by a bit of snow, and the fairer sex saying one thing, doing another, yet wanting an entirely different thing which has nothing to do with anything.

  6. personal preference, the RICAS your looking at doesn't allow somebody to belly crawl without fouling their mags, i made mine so that i was capable to crawl around and had freedom of movement, i use all of my pouches (actually putting stuff in them) very rarely am i empty or out of ammo/water/food/reading material/batteries/tool kit/porn, plus i've still got plenty of molle space. so there are advantages to both.

  7. you can get a new flyye RAV (same design, just rebranded) off of landwarrior for £140 but in ranger green, got mine in OD second hand.

    i decided on the RAV because from what i understand UKSF use them, and i want to try and keep as british as possible (no comments on the M16 please, mainly because anybody who see's it wouldn't be able to accurately name it anyway).

    i like it because it's very easy to get off (easier than a RICAS), and it's very adjustable (i've got a 45in chest and 28-32in waist (depending on hunger) and it almost fits me like a glove).

    i do not recommend them to anybody smaller than 5'5 or with a chest smaller than 35in, mainly because it was designed to fit big soldiers, and it'll need a lot of work done on it to get it to fit smaller sizes.

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