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  • Guns
    currently hire gunner (until ukara is sorted again)
  • Loadouts
    various odds and sods i managed to save from the ex's clear out of my gear
  • Sites
    first and only (the tower)
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  • Interests
    Live music and anything fire arm related made the cadet shooting team when I was a teen and been hooked ever since

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  1. 8days till i move into the new house and im gunna have my own gun room/tech room canni wai ideas for decor welcome

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      You need a badass shelf that sort of folds out of the wall! To hide the guns for when you have visitors who don't like them or something.

      Then when people do like them, you can be all like, "Hey, look at this" press a button *boop* and all the guns just come out of the wall.


      You can thank me later.

    3. kungfumonkey


      that does sound epic ed thankyou


    4. SpecialForce


      black, red and chrome everywhere. montana style!

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