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  • Guns
    ICS L85A2 SA80 w/ G&G SUSAT
    CYMA Glock18C AEP
  • Loadouts
    British DPM w/ Viper Vest
  • Sites
    Free Fire Zone
    Urban Assault
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    PS3 Gaming

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  1. Finally decided to join the army, don't know when or what as yet but I will.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Liam1992


      As a Royal Engineer myself, best decision I ever made. Admittedly only served 2 years so far, but no regrets as of yet, love it.

    3. TPI


      @Ted go Engineer's their's a certain one which doe's a lot of the same type of stuff just your putting it all up :-D


      @S7S7 i suggested RE because it sound's to me like something you'd enjoy more


      @Liam Hope your not one of those carpet Layer's in Kinloss if you are though I'm the Dude that got Jumped by 6 of your Lad's and put the Big Brute on the Deck and one of your Skinny's!

    4. TPI


      ... too and i walked away from it with a Sprained ankle from kicking too hard and my foot being the only thing to make contact.


      Myself Personally I'm Stuck Between Raf Reg to then Do CSAR with them Or Para's to do my 6 Year's Min at the Harshest to get straight into the Pathfinder's (My Recruitment officer think's i should Bypass them and go straight for the SAS But i don't Look very sexy in Black so all my pic's will just turn out weird <No good for...

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