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Everything posted by novioman

  1. This happened to me, got visits from the police and everything. Border Force are out of control since the New Year. Got a refund from PayPal luckily, but had to fight hard not to have a entry against my name on the police computer system.
  2. This happened to me, got visits from the police and everything. Border Force are out of control since the New Year. Got a refund from PayPal luckily, but had to fight hard not to have a entry against my name on the police computer system.
  3. I have a set of WE brown grips on the forum for sale, think they are more authentic than the black the pistol comes with.
  4. Sorry about that, now put right. 


    1. L3wisD


      No worries, no hard feelings :)


    2. novioman


      All good thanks. 

  5. Hi, interested in the inoksatu, would you take my H&K VP9 in p/x? It’s for sale on here. Thinking of the H&K and £200 Regards Doug.
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