I’m aware that it’s not the buyer who is an offender upon buying a RIF, contrary to what the silly thousands of “bbguns4dirtcheap2armyoueinfantson” websites might say in their legal disclaimers about getting your “UKARA License”. If need be, the best way of getting a RIF is to buy one on site at an airsoft game, either from the venue itself or a player there as they have solid grounds always to sell you one, as you’re proving legitimate interest for valid use simply by being there.
Of course not! By playing 3 airsoft games, You’ve already broken the safety disclaimer that comes tucked in the box of every gun saying “Don’t shoot at human or animal”, potentially risking “causing injury or death”!
A 2 month long premeditated possession of an imitation firearm with intent on causing fear would be sure to impress the jury with that level of dedication, enough to slap you with a good portion of your young adult life in jail at least