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  1. I’m on nuprol 2.0 and 3.0 could work, but the window of use for it is pretty slim as the weathers beginning to heat up and in about a month we’ll probably be back on green gas weather again. I heard the HFC springers have working slide catches and hammers, I was wondering if they’re actually good or if it’s just gimmicks that break after a few shots.
  2. I’m looking for a good spring pistol to use for target practice. Currently it’s too cold to shoot my Raven EU17 fully. I don’t mind if it’s full plastic, I’d rather a good plastic springer than a cheap die cast springer built like a biscuit tin. The more moving parts (Hammer, etc) or other realistic features the better here.
  3. I’m aware that it’s not the buyer who is an offender upon buying a RIF, contrary to what the silly thousands of “bbguns4dirtcheap2armyoueinfantson” websites might say in their legal disclaimers about getting your “UKARA License”. If need be, the best way of getting a RIF is to buy one on site at an airsoft game, either from the venue itself or a player there as they have solid grounds always to sell you one, as you’re proving legitimate interest for valid use simply by being there. Of course not! By playing 3 airsoft games, You’ve already broken the safety disclaimer that comes tucked in the box of every gun saying “Don’t shoot at human or animal”, potentially risking “causing injury or death”! A 2 month long premeditated possession of an imitation firearm with intent on causing fear would be sure to impress the jury with that level of dedication, enough to slap you with a good portion of your young adult life in jail at least
  4. For many retailers who are honouring "insured activities" like this are probably doing it solely to get more RIFs shipped out of their warehouses, Bending the definition of what constitutes as a valid defense is their way forward and this is a convenient outlet to permit this so. If anyones considering using systems like this to bypass the whole UKARA song and dance, Don't. If you genuinely care about the sport and want to play it, What is stopping you from simply playing the game to qualify for a RIF?
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