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  • Guns
    A&K M249 Mk.II
    Specna Arms SA-H03
    Tokyo Marui M870
    WE G17
    Cybergun Desert Eagle
    ASG Dan Wesson
  • Loadouts
    Mostly UK Army Surplus (Can’t wait for the VIRTUS kit to hit the market)
  • Sites
    Frontier Airsoft
    Op-Tactical UK

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  1. After having a read, that sadly looks like the case. Whilst not outright restricted, seems like any importers will have to pay shipping, plus 20% VAT plus 35% Customs Duty ontop of that, can't blame any of them for not wanting to deal with that hassle. Shame as the bullgear hop is apparently the only half decent option for the M249s, not to mention the awful quality of the A&K box mags, can't get mine to feed for the life of me.
  2. To be honest most of the time (particularly if the weathers a bit shit) I enjoy the social aspect of the game more than the actual game itself. Definitely a social hobby, most people love to chat about their kit. If you’re a regular to the same site chances are you’ll get to know people pretty well. I’ve certainly made some great friends in the sport.
  3. Hi all, Been looking all over for bullgear parts for my A&K M249, primarily their hop up unit because the stock one is pretty poor and their new box magazines. Only problem is I can’t seem to find them flat out anywhere in the UK nor really abroad. Pretty sure it’s because of the whole war going on given that Bullgear is based out of Russia, I don’t much fancy buying from them direct given the fact they ask for PayPal F&F and god knows how they’ll ship it to me. Firesupport seems to have a few of the old box mags knocking about but none of the new ones. Anyone have any idea where I could get my hands on these in the UK? Hop-Up Unit Box Mag
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