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meth da man

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  • Guns
    m24 ak47 m15
  • Sites
    armagedon airsoft

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  1. in love with it, gone crazy with gadgets on it. the heavier the better. I want pain and 2000 bbs fired as quick as possible. must of done 3000 in one 40min game at the weekend. it's scratching the itch of chaos and destruction.
  2. Took the 15yr old to a new local site for his birthday, fast forward a year. the magic ukara licence appears. and we now have four guns. the lad has a cyma ak47 and a m14 . I'm rocking a specna m249 and a jg sa56 fal I'm in the process of absolute going over the top with the m249. got one of those bonkers smoke tracers. a gun cam. just waiting on an under barrel grenade launcher abd and a laser unit to fulfil my 3rd midlife crisis. most fun a 52yr old has has since discovering rave in the late 90s. The eldest 27 has decided he wants to get on board so best start the wish list. I honestly thought you were all joking about the money pit this hobby is. but my god there's just so much cool shit either for a tenner or £200. Game day Sunday. can't wait to sling plastic from the beast while chucking pyro everywhere
  3. Both. it has like a pull and turn to extend. I'm assuming it's a spring on a circlip . are they easy to strip down, I've had barrel off today to get rid of the plastic bipod. so many fake screws n pins that don't do anything hence my reluctance to go at it. OK I've sorted it. pushed the pins out and tightened up a hidden Allen bolt. thanks guys. easier than I thought. (was over thinking it)
  4. New player here. I've got the specna arms m249 which I love. just not happy about the wobbly stock and want some advice. is it possible to tighten it up. I'm very new to the sport, the download instructions show a solid stock version and I don't want to break anything. fairly mechanically minded just so scared of this chineasium metal n plastic stuff.
  5. arrr dammit. thought I was doing this new hobby to get away from paintball markers speak 🤣 but yea I've gone wild on RIF's for me and the lad.
  6. I'm also pretty new and armagedon is where I play. just got my ukara at Christmas so I'm going wild on guns.
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