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  1. Not yet, but I'll probably be going for light kit as I run hot and at my first game I was POURING with sweat! I think if I wore a plate carrier I'd die of heatstroke! Oh yeah, I agree. Especially as I'm a total newbie I want to develop good habits. A pyro landed about 3ft away from me but as I was behind cover, I was unsure if cover counts or if its a blanket 8foot radius kill, so I shouted to a ref "Am I dead?". Before he even opened his mouth, 2 more pyros virtually landed in my lap. "Never mind, ref" 🤣
  2. 🤣So true. The workmates I've told about it were actually really interested and at least one of them will probably come along at some point, so who knows. We never really grow up, thank God! The person that gave the safety brief even said "Remember everyone, we're just a bunch of adults playing army" Thanks for the positive vibes on here, lots of sensible advice and encouraging replies! Here's to being a big kid! 🍻
  3. Thanks for the welcome! Yeah, I'm kind of glad that UK Airsoft has the UKARA thing, as it stops you going daft and buying loads after one game! Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to get my own RIF, but I want to make sure Airsoft us for me 1st. All I've bought so far is goggles and mask. Good advice. To be fair, everyone including the staff were very nice, but even though I have a public-facing job, I've always struggled in unfamiliar situations. Now I've got a bit of a handle on the routine of the day, I'm hoping next time will be easier. I know it's silly to worry about such things as an adult in his mid 40s, but here I am! Haha Point 3 is good advice, and I'm happy to be bored by fellow nerds chatting about fps! I can nerd it up for Britain, trust me. Point 4 I'm lucky on this front. I live between 2 sites both about 20.mins away, both are apparently widely regarded as excellent. They are both also rather different, one being natural woodland, one being much more man-made and 'intense', so I'm thankful I've got the choice. Thanks again for the welcome, i have to say the community seems quite open and friendly.
  4. I'm mid 40s and I've enjoyed FPS video games for years, so when I saw some airsoft videos and thought "I don't give a shit if people think it's daft, I i really want to try that!". My friends and I had Airsoft guns in the 90s, but never played, so the modern scene looked awesome. I went to one of my local fields recently and despite struggling a bit with the social aspect (went on my own and to be honest I've got a bit of social anxiety) I was FULLY into the game. Soon as the start klaxon went, I was thinking "yeah, this could be for me!" Defending a base while the enemy poured grenades over the walls was just the best! And Good lord, crouching for hours behind cover is a good work out for your quads!!! Just wanted to say "Hi" and i can't wait for next time, where I promise to try and chat more!
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