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Everything posted by Tariq

  1. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    Yeah. I actually get on with it on BF3 Everyone has same guns, makes it more of a pace of skill rather than playing with overpowered / favourite guns.
  2. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    Simmilar to the CSS/COD versions. Everyone starts with a pistol, and after 2 kills with the weapon they progress onto the next gun. There are 15 guns or something. Everyone gets the same gun list in the same order. First person to the last stage (knife) and gets a kill wins.
  3. My house mates were doing Geography and English courses. They were in uni maybe 9 hours a week??? I was in at least 40 hours :/ (Automotive Engineering)
  4. If you use the console commands you can also make yourself a better size for a space marine
  5. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    There's an issue with punkbuster at the moment, which means all ranked servers are getting laggy. Dice are apparently fixing it tomorrow evening though :/ Only started happening in the last few days though. Dunno if its this that is causing you problems.
  6. Found the 40K weapon and armor mod for skyrim
  7. i have 300 pounds to last me until september... And i still need to pay for my bike insurance
  8. Yeah it took me a little while. I didnt know how to order vehicles, and on the british expansion pack you have to order 2 jackals about. Just ended up ditching 1 and driving the other XD
  9. Idiot woman BMW driver just side swiped my mums car. Just pulled out a junction pretty quickly without looking as my mum was passing parked cars. Swiped the side of my mum's car pretty hard, which then shunted it into the parked cars. Both driver side doors are really dented in, and don't close properly. Front right wheel is buckled, rear one is pretty scuffed. Front left wheel arch has a massive dent and the wheel is pretty scratched. Along with other bodywork scratches. Deffo a write off as its only a Rover 25, worth £700???
  10. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    New maps arn't bad. And a still a lot bigger than the large COD maps
  11. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    Thats why you buy it on PC instead
  12. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    Get a antivirus programme, and stop going on random porn sites. Use the MacOS for Porn. PC's only get infected from the own user's fault. Not sure about "bootcamp" im sure thats a Mac programme that i've never heard of. Should be fine though.
  13. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    It will all be mobile spec though. The ram will be slower than PC ram and the cpu less efficient. Although it should run ARMA 2 if you have a dedi graphics card, even if it is a mobile one. My friend runs it on his Macbook.
  14. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    Set up a partition for windows?
  15. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    You can run ARMA on a laptop... just on lower settings
  16. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    Just play ARMA II for all your british weapon needs
  17. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    I want the MG36 with the propper scope and bipod
  18. Yeah DayZ is great. What you need to do is get a motorbike. Ride home one day and hopefully someone will pull out on you, causing you to T-bone the car at 30 miles an hour. XD £1200 easily made lol. Spend on new PC. Sorted
  19. Ehobby want me to post the item they sent me (wrong one) back... at my expense. They offered me store credit as compensation. Cheers... like i really want to make another order after all this hassle.
  20. Please say thats not public land. Also why pose behind a door with the window open
  21. Please say thats not public land. Also why pose behind a door with the window open
  22. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    Yeah there were "villages" set up with tents, and a fair few areas with multiple bunkers etc. Yeah the marshalls did seem a bit like that. Given the right people it would make a pretty decent site.
  23. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    A Mate had been there before. It was the only site remotely near us that had a game on that day so we decided to try it out. Some guys from Sheffield were there as well so just had a little thought that one of them could had been you
  24. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    Random Quesition Ed... Were you at Welbeck on sunday?
  25. Tariq

    battlefield 3

    My comment was posted as the follow up to the "The new dlc is going to cost 1200 points...is anyone going to pay that??" as reference to the actual cost... however I'm on my phone and it didn't load the latest page so i thought that was the latest comment... Sorry for any confusion
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