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Everything posted by Hecker


    • Wanted
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    Looking for a clone mount of the badger ordence mount must be 1.7 and in black


    - GB

  2. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
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    Been trying to get my hands on a evolution gear atacr for a while now their website is complete garbage and wont let me order 😞 Edit: they've taken my money given me a order confirmation then cancelled it and haven't issued a refund scammers Just after the optic in good condition a 1.7 badger order mount would be awesome too but no problem if not


    - GB

  3. Hecker

    M4 AEG Grip

    Unused my arse it's fucked
  4. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Bit of a mix made from parts I had laying around Base g&g Wildhog Perrun v2 hybrid Rocket piston Rocket spring guide Rocket piston head Lonex helical bevel and pinion Rocket cylinder Rocket anti reversal Speed trigger Centurion arms cmr 9.3 Metal buffer tube Marui mws castle nut PTS epg PTS eps-c Oper8 barrel extension Perrun nozz-x adjustable nozzle Some old surefire clone PTS epm PTS epm1 Maxx model hop Zci stainless barrel Notes Missing nub,2 of 3 screws on rail, forward assist and trigger guard roll pin all are cheap to obtain best bet would be firesupport! This has been sat for a long time 2+ years at this point it fires and feeds but the hop rubber is most likely stiff or deteriorated Getting rid of as a few years back I started going down the gbbr path nowadays I collect gas guns and rarely play so it's been sat in one of my cabinets for the last 2 years as I just don't have time anymore hence the reason for this sale Price includes postage Price drop £450


    - GB

  5. Hecker

    Mws lower + parts

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    • For sale
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    Stock tm mws lower including OEM buffertube bufferlock outer barrel plastic handguards fsp hammer plus a few sears hammer springs zetplate mag release parts Barrel nut Spring Buffer Grip Stock Triggerguard Other parts include Guarder Steel castle nut Gunsmodify steel endplate Hao alloy bolt end + fixing bolt Postage included in price



  6. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Looking around £40 w p&p Happy to discuss pricing


  7. Not a gbbr mate put it in the hpa category
  8. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Looking for a used victoptics S6 in black with no mounts, looking for £50 to £60


    - GB

  9. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Looking for the original mtr16 flat dust cover £15 - £20 posted


  10. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    Anyone had experience with the g&p aluminium trigger box shell. Does it drop easier and will it take original sears etc im after it after trying to remove the stock one which was a literal pain in the arce!
  11. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    Mine came loose maybe slightly worse ive seen other new mws's also with loose receivers out the box my recommendation would be to plop some rubber bands over the pegs on the upper. if you want to close the gap and stop wobble permanently shimstock would be the way to go or possibly tap grub screws on the bottom of the takwdown pegs to push up on the takedown pins but that could most likely weaken the upper when i find a spare for cheap ill give it a go and try
  12. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • As new

    Wanted magpul k2 Grip in black £25 shipped


  13. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    Also does anyone know someone who wants to sell a 10.5 inch outer barrel to the mws
  14. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    How's it been holding up on abbey ultra! Doubt you will respond to a post 2 years ago but i can only try
  15. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Brand new mws Carbine Furniture All parts except flashhider, flashhider crushwasher,brass hop bit whatever its called and gas tube all pins and screws included Selling as a set dont want to be faffing around with lots of shipping £55 Shipped


    - GB

  16. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Hello i am after a 10.5 outerbarrel for a tokyo marui mws steel would be lovely but alloy is fine im looking to spend a max of £40 for it


  17. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    After a Hao mk16 rail preferably in black with a mws spec barrel nut Willing to pay £60 to £70 depending on condition


  18. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    fuck sake lol i thought i put 330 😂 thanks i was wondering what people where going on about
  19. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    it isnt to stop the buffer from shattering its so when the buffer bottoms out the rear screw of the gas key cant come in contact with the back of the receiver denting it! also it stops the wider sides of the bcg from making small dents on the front edge of the entrance of the buffer tube never herd of a mws doing 530 fps out the box on a gas comparable to gg
  20. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    idk its very snappy and abbey ultra is supposed to be weaker than gg and propane ive done a complete strip down and nothings off, barrels been cleaned ive also replaced all the springs in the nozzle with a dytac set and its about the same maybe 3fps higher could be the bbs ive got im going to order up some bls bbs as ive run out of those atm and currently using valkens because thats all i can get atm
  21. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    its confusing because i see people getting 313 fps with gg and propane and other getting 370 fps
  22. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hello would just like to say thanks for all your help you have helped me decide on purchasing a mws I love the gun and have had no issues with it apart from the receiver being gappy at the back and having casting seams which is a bif of a disappointment Ive watched a few of ollies vids and Ive short stroked it using 2 10p coins in the buffer which has removed possibility of denting on the reciver and buffer tube Im currently using abbey predator and im getting around 335 fps with 0.2 is this gas perfectly safe to use other than the nozzle spring breaking seen people get 313 fps on propane and green gas
  23. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    thanks for your help very much appreciated
  24. Hecker

    THE TM MWS thread

    Would molybdenum dysulfide like abbey lt2 be good for lubricating the bolt or is there something better
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