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Everything posted by Beorn

  1. So glad I asked for honest opinions here haha, in that case I won't rule out the TM HK45 even with the plastic slide, these are the types of things the airsoft 'influencers' conveniently leave out of their videos, learned some really useful things here so thanks everyone for your responses
  2. Hey thanks for the responses, this was really helpful already. I had no idea that C02 pistols tended to fire hot, thats a big no-no for me. I'd heard that changing the canisters could be annoying and was prepared to accept that but I don't ever want to have to worry about shooting over the limit that shit is whack as fuck. I think I would like a metal pistol actually, I didn't realize the TM pistols were plastic, thats almost a bit of a shame. Will keep looking I guess, and make sure to check out the green gas pieces. As a side note, I read that green gas is basically just propane with some silicone oil mixed into it, does this mean that it could potentially be dangerous to store?
  3. Hey folks. I'm not quite ready to get myself a pistol yet but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be in the market for one soon, most likely in a few months. Before that I'm doing research as always, but wanted to get some opinions on worthwhile gbb pistols around the 100-150 mark too. I think I'd like C02 judging by the advantages that these offer. Any recommendations or warnings? I'm considering looking at second hand also, anything to keep an eye out for? I personally like the standard glock 17 and the HK45. Wouldn't be against a tan Sig either. Cheers!
  4. I'm not sure, I'm no tech but I've heard that 9.9 Life's are a good middle ground in terms of power between 7.4v and 11.1v lipos and have some additional benefits like being a bit more hard wearing and easier to take care of. I used the 9.9v at a site the other day and trigger response felt great to me and I didn't have any issues. I also have a slim 7.4v Lipo as a backup https://www.vapextech.co.uk/airsoft-7-4v-1400mah-20c-lipo-battery-with-case-lp051-vapextech - this one, and it fits inside the buffer tube meaning you don't need to worry about the side bits at all. You might be able to find an 11.1v of that slim battery if you have a look
  5. Hey, I have a VFC Avalon Saber Carbine, so not the same rifle but I think quite similar. My rifle uses the VFC QRS stock (which isn't great but hey ho I'll change it at some point when it breaks or something) I've managed to fit these in https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/asg-9-9v-1000mah-20c-life-crane-stock-battery The fit is quite comfortable and seems pretty safe/secure. One down the middle and then one in either of the side pods.
  6. Disclaimer, I have only played there once and my other games were at Bunker 51 which I honestly didn't enjoy at all. By comparison they seemed organised but I've heard other sites have built insanely good reputations. Haven't been able to get anywhere like that yet so I wouldn't take my report as gospel Yeah I really noticed that things felt aimless when playing that fallback gamemode, I think because it was sprawling over a large area it was confusing and people were just sort of waiting around. My site choice is limited at the mo because I don't drive. Might have to consider bringing some bog roll and a fishing seat with a hole cut into the bottom or something... improvise, adapt, overcome...
  7. Went to my first ever proper game (not as a rental) down at Red1 Chiselhurst a couple of weeks ago. Wanted to put up a post to say that it was even more fun that I had hoped it would be. Weather was chilly, crisp but clear and got comfortable as the day went on. I ran out my AEG for the first time. Its a VFC Avalon saber carbine I got off airsoft forums classified's second hand, but it was in basically mint condition. I was really worried it would be a lemon or something and I haven't been able to test it properly since I bought it back in Nov (I live in a small apartment)... but it worked really well after a bit of zeroing. Could probably improve accuracy/consistency by using heavier bbs but even on 0.2s it seemed good to me. Trigger response on 9.9 life's seemed snappy too but I don't have much to compare it to I guess. Only tech hiccup seemed to by my mags, for some reason my hi caps (VFC QRS ones) were a bit inconsistent, so I ended up fucking them off and using the one QRS mid cap and just refilling it as and when I needed to. A bit of a hassle but didn't ruin the day because I was picking my shots and not suppressing too much. Rest of my kit ran well and was very comfy, particular shout out to my goggles (Valken) they didn't fog at all and I was really active and togged up in a few layers with a helmet and mesh snood too. Site itself was a lot of fun - good mix of woodland, CQB and medium range combat, some fun game modes (one or two duds - I wasn't a fan of the fall back game mode on defense, felt like a lot of waiting around and wasn't as much fun as the more dynamic capture the barrel/flag/tdm modes). Seemed a good crowd on the whole, fair few rentals but a load of dudes running their own kit, maybe 40/50 people total perhaps a bit more. Site staff were quite well organized and seemed to be fair when marshaling. Only complaint about this site, and I'm sure they're not the only ones guilty of this, is the lack of toilets/plumbing but luckily that wasn't an issue for me on the day. Only complaint about my kit is that I realised getting a riser for my holo might make things even more comfy and easier to shoot with, and that midcaps seem to be much more reliable/less fuss so will be swapping to those. Highlight moment was a bunch of enemies set up in a building with oversight on our spawn and the area leading out of it. Me and two other rando teammates managed to basically push up on it, sneak under the windows of the building and then breach and clear it from behind. Was the type of moment I hope to have more of playing airsoft and felt really immersive and exciting. Can't wait to get down there again!
  8. I've got a Delta Mike snood, the mk.2 version. Only run it out once so far but it was a very close quarters, sweaty environment and it was great. Comfortable and easy to slip on/off between games, good amount of mesh to protect the teeth. One thing to note is that the mk.2 has a slightly bigger mesh area than the mk.1, so it offers a bit more protection for the lower face. That being said, depending on how big your shnoz is, it doesn't provide much nose protection really, and the cheek areas are only protected by the lighter breathable mesh material of the mask, the metal bit only really protects your mouth/lower nose area. All in all its a great piece of kit though for the price. I've also seen people rocking those NB tactical masks but they are a rip off in my opinion. 80 quid including postage is mad just for a face mask. Believe it or not, I found an amazon seller selling the NB tactical 'ghost' balaclava for 5 quid, compared to the 20 they're flogging them for on their website. I snapped one up and was thinking of pairing it with a standard mesh mask for the NB tactical look and performance... at a tiny fraction of the cost
  9. Thanks for the replies everyone, some great tips here thank you! I'll probably make do for now but definitely will look into some sort of two point setup down the line. I liked the look of the WarPoet one where he was able to adjust it on the fly, that looks super comfy and convenient!
  10. hey thanks for the offer! I can't get down to Epsom very easily unfortunately but I'm hoping to head to Red1 chiselhurst on Sunday to give my kit its first proper run out
  11. Hey folks, I've been having issues with setting up my rifle sling and was wondering if anyone here had any similar struggles/suggestions. Basically, I have a plate carrier rig to hold most of my stuff while I play and because I wanna look tacticool innit. I bought myself a single point bungee sling without doing very much research, basically because to my noobsight they all looked pretty much the same anyway. I bought this sling (https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/emersongear-single-point-bungee-sling?fv=17974) because it was a decent price and I heard emerson was a decent brand. However the sling is quite short/tight and I'm finding it a bit uncomfortable/restricting, especially when paired with my plate carrier. Also it sits pretty much right on top of the front panel of my rig, rubbing against my mags and just generally getting in the way. I have tried running the sling through the shoulder loops of the rig and clipping it to the back panel molle loops of the rig with a carabiner, because that's what I saw people advising online. However the this makes the sling feel even shorter and feels like its sitting awkwardly against my front panel. Routing the sling through the shoulder straps has a nasty side effect of dragging the rig around as I manipulate the rifle which feels awkward and cumbersome, and also makes shouldering the rifle more difficult as the sling tugs on the shoulder straps in an annoying fashion. I wanna know what, if anything, I can do to make the sling more comfy/practical, or if I should just keep this pos as a spare and try a different setup like a two point (although I think my rifle might not have the QD mounts to use a two point properly.) Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated! Cheers
  12. Hey! I'm in North London and just started playing also! I'm thinking of heading down to Red1 Chiselhurst next Sunday for my first proper skirmish using my own kit. Where abouts is the Epsom bunker located? I think to get your UKARA you need to play at the same site 3 times in a specific time frame, not sure if you can spread this among sites.
  13. That's a great shout and thanks with the advice on the water! Its looking like I'll be heading to Chiselhurst first of all then, but D&A Dropzone looks a similar travel time so will defo check them out sometime. Reforger and the Red1's up near Watford are defo on my radar, as its super easy for me to get to Watford. A quick uber from there to the sites and I can see those being doable. Hope to see some of you on the field sometime! Is there anywhere on the forum to talk about game day attendance or let people know where/when you're planning to play? Just curious how common it is to sync up with people
  14. Hey, thanks for the reply! I actually checked out a few of the SE tour reviews haha, thanks for the heads up! Oblivion looks like a good day out but I don't think games run there very often by the looks. Getting up early isn't an issue, appreciate the heads up on Red1 Chiselhurst, and D&A especially. Both of those looks fairly doable for me! Do you have any experience with either site?
  15. Hey folks, new player here, looking for advice on worthwhile sites and meeting people to play with. I live in the northern part of Islington, and don't have access to a car at the mo so I'm a bit worried good sites may be limited for me. I've been down to Bunker51 in Woolwich but it honestly wasn't my cup of tea. Was quite limited and I think I'm after a bit more of a milsim experience than team deathmatch. The rental guns I used were crap too and broke repeatedly which ruined the majority of my time there. Anyway, I've got an AEG now and some of my own kit, but have been struggling on a few fronts. First is finding a battery I can fit into my gun that isn't out of effing stock. Secondly, finding decent sites that are less CQB focused and more medium range in nature! Finally, meeting up with some decent folk to get stuck in with would be great. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated, cheers!
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