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    64式7.62mm小銃 / 89式5.56mm小銃 「バディ」/ 5.56mm機関銃MINIMI
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  1. What amperage should I charge my lipo batteries at?


    Battery = li-po, 1300mAh, 7.4v, 25C, 8Wh


    Charger = Turingy Accucell 6.


    I read recently the suggestion that its better to charge lipos slower, but I need to balance that against getting them charged in time for tomorrow! Any advice?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Herrgh


      Thank you! 1.3amps it is, cheers for your help.

    3. SeanM


      Using the method Adolf explained to find out what amp to charge the battery at is the general rule of thumb mate. If you have a battery that is 1450 Mah for example it will be 1.45 amp. However you can't usually go up in .5 so I always tend to keep mine under to be safe so I charge my 1450 Mah lipos at 1.4 amps and my 1300 at 1.3 👍🏼... Make sure you're using a decent smart charge intended for lipos and be sure to select "balance charge" and have the little white plug on your battery connected to the charger. 

    4. Skara


      I always charge at 1A, takes longer but makes sure I don't kill the battery :)

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