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  • Guns
    G&G L85A2
    Nuprol Delta Recon Alpha.
    WE Glock 17 Gen 4
  • Loadouts
    US Army ACU
    USMC Woodland MARPAT
    British DPM (Early 2000s)
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  • Location
    North East

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  1. Its always good to see more people commenting. Tbh I'm wanting to go the ICS route now after some money management and pricing, but I'm finding it very difficult to find a new one at a decent price or even a used one that isn't falling apart, or on the other side of the country lol
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    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Hi all, I'm looking for a ICS L85A2. Cant find any for a decent price or many of them are in too poor of a condition. Depending on location I could pick it up almost immediately. Based in North East. If brand new I'd be happy to settle for around £320- Offer would vary if used (depending on use or condition) If you have an ICS L85A2 hit me up with some info. Thanks guys


    - GB

  3. Just one more thing 🤣lol I see the ICS version says it should be used with a NI-MH, but if I installed a mosfet, would i be able to use a LI-PO or should i stick with the suggested battery type of NI-MH? Sorry for the absolute bombardment of questions.
  4. Well you guys are absolute legends. I think I am going to go with the ICS Version, I've just done a quick price up of the Rifle, with lots of upgrades and it is just £5 over the G&G price. Also I'll be playing with the rifle stock setup for a while to notice the upgrades when I eventually put them in. You guys have been a massive help. THANK YOU!!!!!
  5. Thanks for the speedy response guys, your info has been really helpful. I've actually used both the real steel M4 platforms and L85 platforms, I definitely prefer the l85 feel lol. Just another question. I know what the Perun ETU++ is and I also know that ETU's are also placed onto the gearbox themselves. If I get the ICS and fit a Perun ETU++, is it doing the same thing as an actual ETU that is placed onto the gear box. (Like the G&G that comes pre-fitted with a unit attached to the gearbox) The above question is kind of confusing with the way I have worded it I heard about the G&G ETU burning out and faulting. As soon as I understand what the difference is between the Perun ETU++ and the actual ETU that is fitted to the gear box, then i think I'll be able to make a choice on which to go for. Also the inner barrel length on the ICS version is smaller than the G&G version. Also they aren't any airsoft suppliers within driving distance to me so I can't even go and inspect them up close, so the decision is even harder
  6. Hello, I'm new to this forum and not sure if I'm putting this question in the right area, but here it is. So I have a few loadouts, both US based and British based and I am trying to secure my new rifle for my British loadout. My British loadout is early 2000s so DPM/DDPM possibly MTP in the future. I currently use an M4/AR15 platform and I'm in dire need of an L85/SA80 rifle. Every time I bring the subject up at my airsoft field, I get extremely mixed reviews not just about the G&G L85 but all L85 on the market. I'll stop waffling and get to the question. Has anyone got a G&G L85A2 ETU&MOSFET and if so, what problems have you experienced and your honest reviews of the rifle. Most people I speak to about the rifle have extremely negative reviews about it, I'm not sure if they are exaggerating or the L85 platform is just a terrible design for airsoft. They currently retail for around £400 and I don't want to risk spending that much just for a rifle that I need to fix within a month. So any info on this rifle would be much appreciated as I am struggling to find many topics about them and the people I speak to just seem to exaggerate about the rifle. Thanks
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