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Status Replies posted by Pseudotectonic

  1. I've seen a few adverts on here lately stating that a defence is required and will be checked. Thinking about UKARA, how can an individual check it? I always thought that you couldn't, that it was only for actual retailers.

    1. Pseudotectonic


      If we go by the VCRA itself, you really just need "sufficient evidence of that matter is adduced to raise an issue with respect to it" meaning enough evidence that can reasonably show that the guy a. actually attended airsoft events and b. at an insured site. (And c. there is no evidence he is going to use it for something illegal)


      a. can be proven by anything like photos or receipts or journey records or confirmation by the site etc.


      b. can be automatically proven if the site appears on the UKARA list because only properly insured sites can join their register.


      So really you don't need the UKARA per se, but you do need to save a file of how you have checked for a. and b. (and c.)


      I know this is not answering your question but just to point out UKARA is not the only method of checking, any method is fine as long as it ticks the above boxes.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  2. HELP! I've lost the spring for the top side BB catch thing(?) on one of my PMAGs. Where can I get a replacement?

  3. HELP! I've lost the spring for the top side BB catch thing(?) on one of my PMAGs. Where can I get a replacement?

  4. HELP! I've lost the spring for the top side BB catch thing(?) on one of my PMAGs. Where can I get a replacement?

  5. sooo, somehow bent in one of the prongs of my tm recoil mk18.... considering how thick it is, i am amazed, anyone done this and successfully bent it back? its too narrow now for bbs.  It makes a good tuning fork as it is now


    1. Pseudotectonic


      the flash hider? i suppose you can unscrew it, clamp the base with a vice (wrap it with something soft), and try to bend the prong back out


      just don't try to bend it back while it's on the gun to avoid collateral damage

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