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Everything posted by Pollynator_bravo2

  1. Afternoon all, I am trying to find a good bulk buy of bbs. I used to buy from Valkyrie and I never had any issues however it appears they do not have the .25gs in stock or they have given up trading as the links no longer work on their store. They have some bio ones but they are more pricey and I don’t currently have the need to move into bio. Any ideas on what else to try for a bulk buy? merry Christmas
  2. I’d second this. Middle finger works really well for me and some of my team mates. Feels natural too
  3. Thanks to everyone who has supported us so far. We have a few calendars left to go and some patches also. discount on calendars and patches is currently live. thank you all again
  4. Keep us updated as it’s a good lesson to learn from
  5. I totally agree with this from first hand experience. It took me three months to get my build functioning after over modding and not being able to find the loss in fps and inconsistent firing. Turned out to be something super simple in the end
  6. https://jdairsoft.net/deals/santas-sack-day-1-2 Mia this a good deal ? Asking for a friend 👀
  7. Have you shared any pics of your guns buddy?
  8. Great to have you onboard my fellow player !!
  9. The Spas yes now that’s a shot gun I want for sure
  10. Hey - what did you kit the lad out with? I’m looking at taking my 10 and 11 year olds and trying to figure out the best way to go with each of them
  11. I’d second that. I really enjoyed Tud even though it was in the peak of summer but I’d strongly suggest taking supplies out with you as the trek back east up game time
  12. Welcome dude. getting stuck in with tech stuff is great I’ve done the same and despite some uncomfortable moments in the early days of trying to get springs to stay out and then figuring out why I’ve lost truck loads of fps now it’s getting more of the norm. can’t wait to see some pictures of the kit
  13. We have now added some MANUP? 3x10cm patches also. Again all profits are going to MANUP?
  14. Thanks for your support !!! We have shipped your calendar 😃

    1. Shamal


      Thanks 👍

    2. Shamal


      Hi bud. 

      Got the calender today. It's great.

      Some good quality pics in there and a nice patch as a bonus 🙂.


      Good luck with the charity 👍


      Oh yeah. I've been allocated a spot,(small),for it in the billiards room lol.


      (Utility room) 😉







    3. Pollynator_bravo2


      Fantastic. Glad you found it good. It was hard picking out pics of each of us as we have so many but the lads chose them in the end. 
      thanks again for the support. 
      have a great Christmas !!

  15. Thank you !! I’ve received the order and it’s packaged up ready to be dispatched tomorrow morning. Thank you for your generosity and good luck with the Depp competition lol
  16. Hey everyone. As our Airsoft team has grown a bit this year we are trying to raise some money for our nominated charity in 2023. I don’t know if I’ve posted this in the right place but we are selling calendars for 2023 with all the profits going to MANUP? A men mental health awareness charity. below is a link to the charity. A worthy cause for anyone who has had any concerns with their own or someone else’s mental health https://www.manup.how/our-mission Below is a link to our charity fundraiser shop. https://d-a-ds-charity-of-the-year.myshopify.com/products/d-a-d-s-charity-of-the-year-calendar-2023 the first 14 orders are also getting a free patch which will be a limited edition version of our own patch but customised to our charity of the year. if you can support us we thank you in advance. If you can’t we thank you for taking the time to read this post. kindest regards the D.A.D’s
  17. However it looks like KWC only do C02 mags so now I’m totally confused
  18. No from the front they look completely the same So maybe a tm mag would be worth looking at then if I want more mags? No it’s not open on either
  19. I’ve had similar on bucking upgrades. I’d check to make sure the hop is aligned but if you have changed only the rubber then I’d say the only think that could be happening is a loss of air as the nozzle and bucking seal. Did the original look the same as the new one in terms of dimensions?
  20. I’ve got pics it’s not letting me upload them tho 🫤
  21. Awesome. Might have to look out for these see what’s floating around Great episode. Ectoplasm everywhere lol
  22. Battlestations is excellent and the site is at its new location and constantly evolving. Had nothing but great experience there and me and the team are now all members. move not played combat yet but I visited to get my air tank topped up and it looks the muts nuts. Well worth a visit. Tuddenham is very good too but be prepared when you play there by taking ammo and kit into the game field that you will use throughout the morning or afternoon as you don’t return to the safe zone until midday or end of day. That said it’s a wicked site to play also
  23. From my experience spend on good eye pro and boots/footwear first and also face pro unless you feel you need some scars on the face or missing teeth 🤣. Safety first. Keep safe get to play again. After this give yourself a few games. I personally found that as my confidence grew my style of play changed. Or more better put once your not to worried about getting hit you will find your footing. Then only take what you wanna spend hahah the world becomes your oyster. Enjoy it!!!
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