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ARC Fives

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  • Guns
    E&C USAF M16, Cyma AK47, Ares AS03
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  1. Time Left: 5 days and 14 hours

    • Wanted
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    As title, have a JG lower receiver, looking for an upper that will fit to it or a whole receiver set. Budget build so looking as cheap as possible!


  2. Time Left: 5 days and 14 hours

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    Looking for OPS inc. style overbarrel suppressor for car-15 14.5 inch barrel. Prefer one of the metal repros but would be happy to listen to offers for 3d printed ones. Thanks



    • Wanted
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    Looking for a G&P Colt 607


  4. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Looking for a decent condition v2 gearbox shell.


  5. Time Left: 5 days and 14 hours

    • For sale
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    As is in picture. £15 posted


  6. Time Left: 5 days and 14 hours

    • For sale
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    As is in picture. No screw or washer. £10 posted


  7. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Not fully boneyard as it works fine and nice and consistent at 315-320 fps on a 0.25 (1.15J) with a good ROF and trigger response on a 7.4 lipo. Skirmishable in current condition. Reason I've put it in here is because it is missing three body screws where the rail atttaches. The pistol grip is a little wobbly (as detailed in the video) but still holds firm. Overall, it's still solid and has lasted me multiple days of skirmishing. Has a black hop rubber (unsure of make) but I'm happy to fit a new ZCI hop rubber if requested. Comes with carry bag and 3 highcap mags. Perfect for a backup or themed games. Looking for £120 collection Fife or can be posted at cost


  8. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Never skirmished, just a few shots fired thorugh to make sure it was working. Comes with: Torch, torch mount and switch 1 mid cap mag Optional extra: Valken sight and mount £20 Was in storage for a long time and was a bit sluggish with the old grease so I gave it a clean and a bit of a shim, stuck a G&G green (?) hop rubber and a stainless steel tightbore in (I can find out the make if you are interested) and now is in a skirmishable condition with a nice little rate of fire. Has some marks under the carry handle from where carry handle sight was mounted. Firing at 1.1J Happy to send more photos and videos at request £250 Collection preferred from West Fife but can post at cost Wired to Deans


    - GB

  9. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
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    Wanted -Piston -Spring guide - Maybe a new cylinder depending on price


  10. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    G&P XM177E2 w/ full markings Never skirmished, just a few shots fired thorugh to make sure it was working. Was in storage for a long time and was a bit sluggish with the old grease so I gave it a clean and a bit of a shim, stuck a G&G green (?) hop rubber and a stainless steel tightbore in (I can find out the make if you are interested) and now is in a skirmishable condition with a nice little rate of fire. Has some marks under the carry handle from where a carry handle scope was mounted. Firing at 1.1J Happy to send more photos and videos at request £250 Collection preferred from West Fife Wired to Deans but can post at buyers cost.


    Kelty, Fife - GB

  11. Apologies folks, I never got notified that people have replied. I have tried new batteries (including an 11.1), a new high torque motor that works perfectly in my other build, and new springs, ( a lower power and higher power springs to see if it makes a difference) and same problem. I will try a different spring guide from another build and report back! Thanks again everyone.
  12. The piston in this old G&G gearbox (I don't think the piston or rest of the internals are) locks back after a few shots. I think the solution is to shortstroke by a couple of teeth (1 from front and one from back?) to stop the piston from moving all the way back and catching on the spring and spring guide. There isn't alot of space. Or is this amout of space completely normal and I just need to try a different spring? I don't have the tools to shortstroke the gear myself, so any low cost solutions would help.
  13. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
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    Looking for a motor cage for a tokyo marui ak47 v3 gearbox. Will also take a pistol grip if you have one.


  14. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
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    Looking for a wood or faux wood AK47 AEG pistol grip for a TM based CYMA AK47 CM042


  15. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
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    Looking for a wooden AK47 AEG pistol grip for a TM based CYMA AK47 CM042 Also looking for info on where to buy them. Many thanks


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