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RostokMcSpoons last won the day on December 15 2023

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  • Guns
    VFC HK416, DE M906C, Tippmann HPA, AUG HC, G&G G36, Scarab, M14, F2000, S552, AK47S, M16, TM 5.1 DOR
  • Loadouts
    MTP or S95 DPM + assorted webbing
  • Sites
    SpecialOps @ Milton Keynes
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  • Location
    Milton Keynes

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  1. As an avid DE falconfire enjoyer myself I was amiss to find out that it was playing up on today's gameday - I assumed it was the rain causing issues as it always does with mosfets but after getting home it's doing the dreaded beep-beep and the only mention I could find online was your thread/post from a few years ago:

    Am I fucked? I only just about got this thing shooting nice too 😢


    1. RostokMcSpoons


      Hi @pyromancer6
      Sorry, I used to live on these forums, but now I'm not playing (due to knee issues) and I've been busy with work, I'm rarely here.
      Your video - I don't get it - it looks/sounds great to me... is that the 'before'?

      If it's beeping and won't fire again, then the Falcon has fallen to earth :(   I can't remember the beep pattern of mine, but it matched what was in the manual as an 'error' indicator.

      Tricky to source a new one, DE themselves weren't interested in helping, which was very disappointing, hence my delight at finding someone selling a couple here.   And buying a whole donor gun.

      Good luck!


    2. pyromancer6


      Nah, it's the after - it's firing bursts on semi and on auto it lets off like 4-7 rounds and does a double beep which is a 'module error' according to DE - the only mention online I could find was your old thread which is why I shot a message 😅, appreciate the info!

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