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  • Guns
    ICS SOPMOD M4A1 Para, HFC M9 Samurai, KSC Mac11
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    youtube it for more details, but will have pictures on here soon
  • Sites
    Elite Action Games (Worthing and Gatwick)
    Cool Under Fire (Sittingbourne)
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  • Interests
    DRINKING, clubbing, PC gaming, guitar/singing, fencing, swimming, gym-ing, cinema-ing, pub-quiz-ing, pool-ing, guitar hero haha, and airsofting of course!

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  1. yeah I made sure that there were no teeth showing on the lower half gears when reassembling, so it comes together again fine. thanks for all your suggestions by the way. I am sure the problem is nozzle related, perhaps something happened in storage and the new hop up and nozzle are too tight fitting and it can't cycle the nozzle back properly. the tappet plate seems great and works great, the nozzle and hop up don't seem to get on together any more. I've spent so much time and money getting my AEGs up to a reliable working standard and it never lasts long, I feel so unlucky. So fed up with spending time and money now. My ICS M4 seems so well designed and in good working condition that theoretically it should be amazing but something always goes wrong anyway! spring and gas guns have never given me this kind of trouble, which is weird too. Perhaps I'll get lucky on the day and have one of the tech guys look at it before the games start on Sunday. thanks for all your help, appreciate your time.
  2. just taken apart the top half of the gearbox, the part with the nozzle, and the tappet plate looks fine, not worn, out of shape, bent, broken, spring still doing it's job well, I just can't understand it, everything about the internals look perfect, it's so weird. might have to go to the shop then, but it looks to be unlikely that I can get it seen to before Sunday.
  3. not sure I feel that comfortable taking the top half of the gearbox apart though, is it complicated?
  4. it would seem the nozzle often blocks the bb hole so this would be the problem. sounds like a spring missing or tappet plate broken then? I'll try have a look
  5. gear box seems 100% fine, putting a bb in the inner barrel fires it out perfectly. not sure what you mean by this though: try to inch it over on full auto looking in magwell to see the nozzle does at some open correctly to allow bb to feed might take you half a dozen attempts but you should see the nozzle nigh on clear the well
  6. hop is completely off for the testing, tried what you said Samurai, thank you for the suggestion, but no dice. Still exactly the same problem. Everything looks perfect and clean and correctly assembled, but it won't fire a single bb through the basically brand new, apparently flawless hop up unit. I'm not an expert on hop up units at all though, so I really have no idea what's going wrong. Any other suggestions would really help though guys, I really appreciate it.
  7. My ICS M4 has never had feeding issues before I don't think. Been using the same mid caps and original ICS high cap magazine for years, worked perfectly. Old ICS hop unit replaced with the exact same ICS hop up unit a year ago, as the old one broke. This was done by a gun tech, and done very well, was feeding perfectly a year ago. Hasn't seen any use really in a year, no skirmishes only a few tests here and there. Worked fine. Now all of a sudden, the hop up won't feed any of the mags. The hop is fitted perfectly and is basically brand new with no visible defects or blockages or anything out of the ordinary. The inner barrel is clean, no blockages happen, the hop up won't load the mags at all. Not even firing upside down with gravity working with it. BBs fit in the nozzle of the mag well hop up section fine. Mags seem to load fine. If I put a BB in the inner barrel, all the way down to the hop up, it will fire normally. If I put a BB in the mag well hop up nozzle, upside down, when firing it just dances up to try get out of the mag well hop up. BBs won't load at all. Everything was perfect a year ago when skirmishing with it and even after the brand new hop up was installed. Not sure what's going wrong. Everything looks perfect. Can post pics and possibly videos to illustrate, if needed. I'm at a complete loss as to what's wrong. I have a game on Sunday, don't really want to go back to my local gun repair shop as they might not be able to get it seen to before Sunday's game. Please someone tell me that something little needs to be tweaked or is there something obvious I am missing? It's my primary and I have a game Sunday! Panic! Would massively appreciate any help guys.
  8. that looks almost like my current project! ill put pics up of mine when i can afford to finish it lol. looks nice mate, i love my g&g blowback gun but it just needs those few lil internal and external upgrades to really make it shine
  9. sweet FN2000 but gotta love the p90! I'll be getting one of my own shortly, CAN'T WAIT ! XD
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