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  • Guns
    G&G TR4-18
    Marui M9A1 Gas Blowback
  • Loadouts
    Beginner? :)
    Amazon best prices but got some decent gear
  • Sites
    Combat South(RIP)
    Ambush Activities(loved it)
    Bunker in Portsmouth(hate it)
    Gosport(next on my list)
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Play station, cars, play football, tennis the usual

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  1. Hi👋

    Did you get down bunker last night?

    I see on your profile that you hate it. ☹


    1. Sebastian1985


      Yes Shamal, it was so confusing, I had my proper light as you said(thx) but I got shot so many times by my teammates, mostly some kids who were 18 together and the guys who probably play weekly in there they knew all the tunnels so well that I really felt like a noob and I also left earlier. I will go back into the woods as there is plenty space and feel like a pro 😂

    2. Shamal


      Sorry to hear that ☹

      Yes it can be confusing. I've been going there for four years an I still get lost.

      Because it is cqc and dark there is a risk of blue on blue and it's not intentional but a spur of the moment decision.i tend to move slowly and use my ears.still get whacked a lot though! Lol

      I think if you give it another go you will be more prepared and play a different game.

      But I agree the woodland site is a whole different game.

      I haven't been yet but they say badlands at Emsworth is a good site and not too far away 👍


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