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Everything posted by TadsJ2

  1. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hey again guys, sooo i am trying to punch out the nozzle return spring's pin, any suggestions? I did the side where there is plastic nozzle stopper (i dunno how that part is called) quite easily, but now having problems with the metal sided one.... any tips and tricks?
  2. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Well i've tested with all the green gas bottle manufacturers that i have available (and order the most), i cant fill the magazine without an o-ring on it, with o-ring on it i can fill the magazine just fine so i guess it stays in for me I have a few more questions regarding MWS platform: 1) I was thinking about making my MTR16 with integral suppressor (one within the handrail) - does anybody have any suggestions, maybe links to certain suppressor? 2) I saw there is a kit for 9mm conversion, theoretically is it possible to use that kit and then use some kind of 9mm drumm mag with HPA adaptor? just for lols? Planning to buy crazy jet 410mm inner barrel and fit it in my MTR, cant wait for fields to open, this gun is a beast!
  3. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    I have gen2, yeah, i've read it on reddit aswell... How much shots can you do with single fill of mag?
  4. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Okay, I get the theory behind TM valves, but it literally vents liquid green gas all around when i am trying to fill it with WE 2x or SMART GAS gg and it is definitely not even close to being full then... With all stock and silent fill mod i also get to shoot ~85 shots which is 2,5 magazine, so you are suggesting me not to modify anything and spit liquid green gas? I've read here in this thread that someone changed the inlet valves to Laylax inlet valves and it solved their similar problems... Could you tell me what manufacturer's green gas are u using to fill your MWS mags and maybe someone could make a video how does the refill look like , maybe its the same for me as for you and I am searching for problems which isnt really the problem Also how does one take the o-ring off when its already applied?
  5. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    So i've changed my nozzle set to stock one - i am able to do 86 shots with #1 mag and then the blowback is not happening anymore but there is still gas in the mag. This probably due to Angry gun nozzle set and higher power (~5-10 m/s) it is giving? Should i just change the nozzle return spring on the stock one or try to use the angry gun enchanced v2 with preinstalled stronger nozzle return spring ?
  6. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    wow, didnt know that, well i've tried it your way - on #1 mag ~14sec burst fills got me 55 shots, though it seems i can try to fill it more this way! But its nowhere near as Badabing mentioned, so is this normal for me to shoot 55 shots ? should i try to fill it more or is there anything I can try to do about the mag itself?
  7. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Just another consideration that i forgot to mention, I have an Angry GUN adjustable (something like NPAS) enchanced drop in nozzle set V2 installed, could it cause these instabilities ? Yeah, will wait for more reply's i guess, but thanks!
  8. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Yeah me neither, I might be just spitting a nonsense right now, but could it be that these mags arent performing as well just because they are brand new and werent used at all before? I've loaded my #1 mag again, now it shot 56 shots before it went completely dry, loading time seemed the same...
  9. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    I was filling it with a full bottle of gg. I was actually wondering that, it appears that the magazine is filling slower with silent fill mod... Just to make sure, i should stop filling when i hear the hissing disappear? EDIT: after filling #1 up to until i hear no hissing sound it shot only 24 on semi, i hear no leaks whatsoever, any ideas?
  10. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hey guys, So i finally got my MWS mags from firesupport.co.uk and I cant fill them completely with WE 2x green gas... I have read various opinions, watched BadaBing, heard about green gas mods and I was wordering what you would suggest for me to do. So according to BadaBing there is 2 batches of MWS mags, BATCH 1 has no markings on gas routers, while BATCH 2 has. Batch 1 needed the green gas modification in order to fill the magazine full of green gas, BUT BATCH 2 doesnt need it, and for him his BATCH 2 magazines fill completely after 12sec. fill Video link: I have checked that my magazines are from BATCH 2, but as soon as i try to fill them up they are starting to spit green gas all around everywhere, now, I have read in the internet that TM inlet fill valves are finnicky on certain green gas balloon filling adapters and such it is recommended to use O-rings on the fill valves so it fills completely... ( I know that TM made the inlet valves to spit any unnecessary gas from the magazine insides) I put o-ring in #1 of my MWS BATCH 2 mag, aaand after ~12sec silent filling (meaning there was no greengas spittin anywhere) i can shoot only 17 shots on semi.... I have tried to fill my #2 BATCH 2 magazine without putting an o-ring and spitting greengas everywhere for 12 secs - i dunno whether the other mag is different or what, but this one shot 44 shots after 12 sec fill. So my question is, should i do the green gas modification on my BATCH 2 mags? Is it still profitable to do it? What should i do about green gas spitting everywhere when I am filling the MWS magazines? should I put an o-ring to properly fill TM MWS magazines? Thank you for your answers to this!
  11. TadsJ2

    THE TM MWS thread

    Hey, If it doenst catch on any of the moving parts, i see no reason not to just sand the sharp metal part to be smooth and use it Out of curiosity, how did it happen? Tried some of the tacticool reloads?
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