Hey guys,
So i finally got my MWS mags from firesupport.co.uk and I cant fill them completely with WE 2x green gas... I have read various opinions, watched BadaBing, heard about green gas mods and I was wordering what you would suggest for me to do.
So according to BadaBing there is 2 batches of MWS mags, BATCH 1 has no markings on gas routers, while BATCH 2 has. Batch 1 needed the green gas modification in order to fill the magazine full of green gas, BUT BATCH 2 doesnt need it, and for him his BATCH 2 magazines fill completely after 12sec. fill
Video link:
I have checked that my magazines are from BATCH 2, but as soon as i try to fill them up they are starting to spit green gas all around everywhere, now, I have read in the internet that TM inlet fill valves are finnicky on certain green gas balloon filling adapters and such it is recommended to use O-rings on the fill valves so it fills completely... ( I know that TM made the inlet valves to spit any unnecessary gas from the magazine insides)
I put o-ring in #1 of my MWS BATCH 2 mag, aaand after ~12sec silent filling (meaning there was no greengas spittin anywhere) i can shoot only 17 shots on semi....
I have tried to fill my #2 BATCH 2 magazine without putting an o-ring and spitting greengas everywhere for 12 secs - i dunno whether the other mag is different or what, but this one shot 44 shots after 12 sec fill.
So my question is, should i do the green gas modification on my BATCH 2 mags? Is it still profitable to do it?
What should i do about green gas spitting everywhere when I am filling the MWS magazines? should I put an o-ring to properly fill TM MWS magazines?
Thank you for your answers to this!