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  • Guns
    Nuprol Sierra tri-shot,
    Classic Army M4,
    KJW M9,
    WE G18,
    Krytac LVOA,
    TM M4A1 MWS,
    Ares AM-009
  • Loadouts
  • Sites
    Red Alert,
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  • Interests
    IT systems and networking

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  1. Been a while, finally got back out and got some footage post-lockdown, feel free to check it out, or don't, whatever works!
  2. I feel your pain my dude, I bought that replacement set, had the same issue, tried so long that eventually one of the pins shattered and the other one is pretty deformed, so a good waste of money for me. I have seen drop in kits that are apparently upgraded parts, doesn't say what these upgrades are but if it has that spring set in it, it may be worth a purchase.
  3. I'm back after my post almost 5 months ago when I said I'd be buying a TM MWS... well I got one, finally managed to use it on the field, love it, range isn't what I expected running .28s on green gas and I hated only carrying 175 rounds in woodlands so only used it for 1 game, probably going to stick to using it indoors only, also managed to pick up a Magul MOE stock clone at a car boot sale for £2 which means I don't need the ugly OEM one anymore so that's a good start! I'm looking to change the handguard, the front post upsets me, I did look through the first 15 pages of this thread and some of the more recent ones but couldn't really see what I was looking for, I gather I need an adapter of sorts? Tbh, I'm happy with the current rail length, a bit longer would be good, full picatinny is the dream and preferably black, trademarks don't interest me so I'm not looking for a £90 rail, anyone have a link to all the stuff I'd need or even just the names or products that work together? Side note, why are rear sling mounts so expensive..?
  4. Hi Guys, Relatively recently I started a channel, initially to try and get some of the lads involved which has luckily paid off quite well, making my regular team of 2 into 5 or 6! I've made a few videos of various things like gameplay, reviews, tips and unboxing - all pretty amateur stuff so far. Starting with no video/audio creating or editing experience, I've slowly acquired better knowledge and equipment, and content is going up although in a sporadic upload schedule... Hopefully when the lockdown is over I'll be back out, meeting people and get more gameplay videos up too! I would be grateful for any feedback, subs, comments or questions. Stay safe my dudes! 🤙 SouthSide Airsoft - YouTube
  5. Sorry to slide in here my dudes, I'm going to be buying a TM M4A1 MWS on Thursday (First GBBR in the collection), did a lot of research before committing to it, I did read that if you want to use green gas you need an upgraded valve blocker or you'll be in trouble when the OEM part breaks, so I managed to get the Dynamic Precision reinforced aluminum valve blocker, 2 quick questions if anyone has time. 1. Is there a video or guide floating round (I did do a quick forum search) that I can follow for installing it? 2. Should the rubber hose that goes inside the spring be slightly smaller than the spring? Looking at mine, it's not so it doesn't look like the spring will ever be able to retract fully... Cheers, gents!
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