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  1. Heya people. Sorry for what could be a dumb question but is G&G a decent brand?


    Looking at their UMP 45 and their SG552, just wondering if anyone has any thoughts to share.


    As I've not used one of their weapons before.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      @Skara - Quite honestly with your 1J limit, I'm surprised that all the serious airsofters in Italy aren't just running around with stock TM recoils.

    3. Skara


      TM has a reputation of being overpriced af here, mostly because people are so fucking obsessed with "FuLl MeTaL" guns.

      They think a pot metal receiver is better than a polymer one and it'll give them 50 extra metres of range.

      So a TM Hi-Cycle M4 CRW that will most likely outlast your car is shit (even though it pumps out a retarded ROF on a 7.4) but a -insert truly overpriced brand here- that shits the bed on its first game is good!

      Logik, I know..


      I'll be honest, if I didn't like tinkering with stuff I would have bought a TM CRW and swapped the hop rubber for a ML (yes I'm a ML fanboy) and called it a day.

      I like tinkering so I built my own out of a specna ;)

    4. benno996


      Decent enough, but I wouldn’t go back to one now. Specna is still only a ‘low to mid range’ brand as I’d call it, but for similar money you get so much more bang for buck. 

      Just like Dyatlov said at Chernobyl - not great, not terrible. 

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