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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Tokyo marui p90
    Draganov svd
    Umarex ump 45
    Kj works kc02
  • Loadouts
    Glock 1911 side arm with kc02 special carbine
  • Sites
    Shel shock woods

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  1. Open to offers on all guns for sale !!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alfred


      Its a shame wanting to buy stuff but not having money, that's why I'm trying to sell them lol


    3. Misery


      haha aye if u still have the svd or ump on the 29th i may be intrested,tbf im only broke cause i spent my spare cash on my first rifs 2 m4's 9 mags batts for both guns and few other extra's

    4. Alfred


      You got a decent deal on that lot then, I'll probably still have it haven't had much interest in it tbh

  2. I have a kjw kc02 (3 mags) An asg draganov svd ( 2 mags) A tokyo marui p90 (2 mags and one display mag) and an umarex ump 45 (3 mags)
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