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  • Guns
    AA R85, Cyma M4, we G36K, Raven glock 17, S&T Sterling L2A3
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  1. Does it come with the pouches and how many mags don’t work ?
  2. hi Have you fitted a mosfit in it ?
  3. Smee

    WE36 gbb


    • For sale
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    My WE G36 is up for sale it’s only been used on a skirmish once and a few times in my garden, it’s been serviced by Luke at negative airsoft who fitted a variable gas valve in it. Shoots lovely and is great fun, but is surplus to my current load outs. This is the version with the railed front and adjustable stick. it comes with 5 magazines and a spare metal cocking handle. paypal preferred, buyer to pay fees and delivery if that’s required. UKARA needed


    Bexhill, East Sussex - GB

  4. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    My G36c is up for sale it was bought as a backup in case other rifs broke but I don’t need it now, I don’t know what brand it is. I bought this as is and added the front rails, I’ve only used it in my garden to check it shot so don’t know what fps just that it shoots. comes with 3 hi cap mags and the red dot sight (which I’ve never used). paypal preferred buyer to pay fees and delivery if that’s required. UKARA needed


    - GB

  5. The delivery charge for gbb WE came out as £0 to the Uk, but it wouldn’t let me go beyond review order wE gbb m4 cqb £343 after the discount and tax removed £229, will all come down to what border force add on as to if it’s cost affective
  6. A little update, he pm’d me again using the same stock photos asking if I was still interested, I said possibly. He has now also tried to sell me an m4, and last time asked me to like a friend of his page as he’s looking for product testers. https://www.facebook.com/zhen.shi.92102 somehow think my gut instinct was right as where the majority of responses He is but they aren’t of him, I think (but could be wrong ) he says they’re of his brother
  7. This is the profile link for his Facebook page, this is directly from the messenger message https://www.facebook.com/michael.j.thomas.779 to help out dralexander there are some airsofters but no military there are a hell of a lot of foreign friends as you’d expect from a hacked or scammers page. If you actually know him then can you ask if he was hacked/scamming/or just very cheap and how long would it take him to get the goods ?
  8. Thanks for the responses, it was my thinking as well. have to say yours is the only voice saying this which seems a bit odd (unless that was sarcasm, which unfortunately doesn’t transfer well into typing), for info the “civvie susats” are replicas/dedicated airsoft sights a genuine one would go for around £400 (here’s a site that sells them http://www.deactivated-military-weapons.co.uk/mdwsupplies-scopes.html for reference) then you have the cost of the RIF so yes a deal that seems to good to be true
  9. I posted on Facebook that I’d like a L86 a little while ago (just missed out on one here) and the other day had Michael Joseph Thomas contacted me via messenger, saying he could get hold of one with a genuine susat for £300. I don’t know him, his Facebook page looks legit till you look at his friends then it starts to look dodgy, majority of friends are middle/Far Eastern there’s no military looking friends, although he claims to of served (think he was TA, he’s not contacted me since I told him that I had) the number he’s posting looks very high for the date he’s quoted (joining 94 with a number 301, I joined with a 246 number and when I left in 94I hadn’t met anyone with a 3 number). I could very well be wrong and he might be genuine but the deal seems too good to be true, a genuine susat normally goes for a few hundred and claiming he can get hold of and not having is a bit of a concern, he might of been hacked, I don’t know so thought I’d ask here if anyones had dealings with him.
  10. Smee


    It’s a real pity that no more news seems to be leaking out from vfc, it would be a good seller for them
  11. while it looked like it might of been a real gun it was, when she’s using a RIF it looks like self-centred Self seeking attention seeking, and jumping on the band wagon
  12. Does anyone else wonder about the gun she’s carrying ? Can’t think of a reason that you’d have a sight protecter on a real gun (won’t stop bullets) and the clips to hold the rubber butt pad look flimsy, all the rest of Ukraine have AK’s and she’s got an M4 a very clean one there also piccies of her in the snow with it minus the sight. There was already someone saying she should get a real gun on her instagram. (https://www.instagram.com/anastasiia.lenna/?hl=en whilst I applaud the sentiment wholeheartedly if it is a RIF then she’s opening herself up for a world of unnecessary slagging off as I’m sure she could of got a real one. I’m happy to be wrong and hope it is real gun.
  13. Smee


    Late to the party here. Just seen that at last years expo VFC announced they were going to do a GBBR FN FAL, has anyone heard anything about this ? Like an expected due date, or an SLR conversion kit
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