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  1. I guess americans does explain it well haha. It's just so weird honestly. I don't care that I bought a lot of nice parts. I can maybe get a boneyard VFC or other good M4 in the future and put them in it. It's just that people think you need the best parts to have a nice gun that bothers me. I also think people spend way too much time discussing about shit than actually playing the actual game like wtf? Sure talking about it's nice but some of these twats have never played airsoft but simply roleplay in their parents basement. I swear the people you actually meet while playing airsoft are nothing like the WANKERS you encounter on the internet. People often have repro gear or cheap guns but everyone gets out and plays. No elitism and everyone is included just like how they should be.
  2. The advice given on there seems awful. Everyone tells you what to get but not why to get it. Everyone tells you what upgrades to put in your gun but doesn't consider how much better they really are than the current parts in the gun. Seems like it's lots of people that simply recite things others say despite not having tried these things themselves. That's why I like this place. People actually back up things they do or say with some form of evidence, whether it's anecdotes or basic physics. At least on here the anecdotes aren't likely to be made up for the purpose of convincing others to believe the exact same thing that the person sharing them believes. For example I recently upgraded an AEG and bought a lot of somewhat high end parts for it. Retro arms gearbox. PDI Barrel. ASG Infinity motor. All of these parts I bought because of bullshit I have heard on reddit and a live chat app called discord. Were they necessary to have a nice gun? Probably not, but I can't say they are bad. I also feel like no one comes to these sorts of places to learn. It's just a place to bullshit and maybe say something that sounds like useful advice. It's just honestly so baffling how these people go around things. It really doesn't seem rational how they can so confidently recommend things when they haven't tried them or think they are qualified enough to comment on things they have no idea about. Everything is taken out of context. One bad thing said by a certain person or source completely invalidates that source. Also WTF is it with the hate against Luke of Negative airsoft?
  3. Picking up a dremel some time soon to finish the build off and shortstroke 1 or 2 more teeth. I am NEVER going to use a file on an airsoft gear ever again. Took me around 2 hours of constant filing.
  4. So as far as the gearbox cracking I probably just got unlucky? I'm not sure what to do about the cracked gearbox as I am afraid of fitment issues.
  5. The order for the G&G got cancelled by the retailer. I might just run the cracked gearbox with some amendments and be kind on the gun. I wanted to add a sorbo pad to soften the impact and make the gearbox less likely to crack.
  6. It's really frustrating how airsoft guns are such fragile toys. I've had airguns that cost less than my airsoft gun that were made out of better materials and still work without a problem and have never had a single part break. Ffs how hard can it be to make the most fragile parts out of better material? Do they already not make money on airsoft guns the same as games consoles manufacturers almost lose money selling consoles? Really considering picking up a retroarms gearbox soon. Seems like it'd last bloody ages. Might also pick up a different piston head in the hopes the AOE would be worse so that I could add a sorbo pad.
  7. I picked up a replacement G&G one. No quick change spring but i'll radius it and pray for the best. I can't add sorbo pads because the AOE is already virtually perfect. I know it isn't the best since G&G but ehhh I can pick up a stronger one later down the line when I pick up a gate warfet - just want to get out and play for now.
  8. Aaannd I got hit with the specna arms curse. The gearbox shell cracked in the corners near the piston despite having been radiused... Ffs.
  9. Yeah I really underestimated how hard airsoft gears are... I guess I just got to keep going. Luckily the gun will definitely be skirmish ready by sunday and should be shooting around 340fps. Probably will lower a bit more once the spring breaks in.
  10. Anyone here able to offer some advice on short stroking? Trying it on my old gears right now with some needle files and it's infuriating. Only need to take 1 tooth to get around 340 fps.
  11. So I took a drill and my old barrel and sanded down the bucking lips. Worked great with a nice smooth finish. Then I cleaned the barrel and bucking and proceeded to install it all in the gun. Chronoing at around 360 fps with around 1 or 2 FPS deviation at most. So now I probably need to just short stroke a tooth to get the gun within legal limits and I'll most likely be set. Not trusting it enough to NOT bring my backup gun though. A definite success either way.
  12. Btw, if anyone wants to know screwfix sells fine grit sandpaper from 200-1200 grit for about £3.99 a packet containing 10 A4 sized sheets. Pretty worth it.
  13. Alright so my longer lonex spring came and the overspin and gearbox locking up is greatly reduced. However when it does lock up the gate X ASR flashes red and green. On the troubleshooting card it says that this shows the "Trigger wire is connected to the negative motor wire". Says to check connections or email gate. All I have to say at this point is just... wat... I'm not asking for anyone to help me on this one (emailed gate) but jesus christ has this gun been a huge pain in the neck.
  14. The reason I say these people aren't trustworthy is because I asked on reddit and that can be a bit.... meh. It has a higher concentration of idiots than these smaller, secluded forums.
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