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Everything posted by Marroksteel

  1. Well I'll make it simple for people with the power of mitutoyo. For the green gas mod cut 33mm or more (depending on your preference) above the brass fitting.
  2. Yeah i would buy anything G&P because field limitations are 2.0J in Hongkong so you know it can take the abuse over stock Japan's 0.98J
  3. Just be aware that they make 2 versions of the BCG 1-for their stock tube and 1-for marui's I would bet its for civilian sized stocks whereas the Tokyo marui is in between civilian/ military size
  4. https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/dynamic-precision-aluminium-lightweight-bolt-carrier-type-b-black-for-marui-m4a1-mws https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/dynamic-precision-reinforced-nozzle-for-marui-m4a1-mws https://shop.ehobbyasia.com/g-p-mws-forged-aluminum-complete-bolt-carrier-group-set-for-marui-buffer-tube.html https://shop.ehobbyasia.com/guns-modify-reinforced-drop-in-complete-nozzle-set-v2-for-tokyo-marui-m4-mws-gbbr.html https://shop.jkarmy.com/hao-bolt-case-bcg-for-marui-mws-ecoline-tm-mws-g-hk-style.html https://shop.jkarmy.com/guns-modify-zinc-alloy-drop-in-complete-bolt-carrier-set-for-tm-gm-ha-mws.html http://www.airsoftglobal.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=570_647&products_id=24718&zenid=es6o8jv45itdgb37p5gn12hr00 http://www.airsoftglobal.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=570_647&products_id=23379 http://www.airsoftglobal.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=570_647&products_id=23544 https://shop.ehobbyasia.com/g-p-reinforced-drop-in-complete-nozzle-set-for-marui-mws-gbb-gun-metal-gray.html https://shop.jkarmy.com/guns-modify-km-g17-stainless-steel-thread-barrel-for-tm-g17-silver-6794.html https://shop.jkarmy.com/guns-modify-km-g17-stainless-steel-thread-barrel-for-tm-g17-silver-6790.html
  5. Yeah externally I think AG is a good company but inside no I wouldn't trust it because the zet system has been out for 2-3 years now and they still haven't fixed their product and if 5 out of 10 work that still doesn't justify the price of $130/£100 for a failed unit. If other company's have made better bolts/nozzles like Guns Modify $86/£66, UAC $82/£62 and G&P $160/£124 or mixNmatch then why bother with giving money to them personally I would ask all stores to not sell them till 9 of 10 work for longer than a few thousand rounds but thats just me. Go get a Guns Modify or G&P unit I personally went with the G&P because in Hongkong they have a 2.0J limit so their products are made for higher pressure not making it to Japan's 1.0J standard and saying its green gas compatible. Because I like to believe but not certain that they stress test the products at higher rates before selling them.
  6. Yeah after reading 130 pages of this forum i didn't want the AG bolt set so i ordered a HAO econo(tan)bolt and G&P complete nozzle set/ adjustable valve I figured company's that spend time getting things right over getting it out the door is the cheaper option "buy once cry once".
  7. So..... yeah I forgot that hopup wheel combo...oh and forward assist lol So these look literally the same
  8. I basically bought another MWS is parts lol but it'll be better than using stock part's and having a dust collector plus i can paint the colt because it's engraved not lasered. But swapping the stock/barrel for a new one as the stock was uncomfortable and a 330mm barrel with tan bucking and super6nub will do fine as a hardcore gbbr backup.
  9. So... yeah mws carbine came in yesterday morning and literally spent the day taking it apart and figured out how it works then refitting it to the Hao and got to the point where I thought(evil things) should I just buy G&P's complete trigger, bolt catch upgrade, hop unit, and other bits and have 2 mws's lol I'm going Tokyo marui crazy....
  10. Its nice to have the option for facemasks or helmets. Those are the Prowin/SAA mags The Wilcox industries risers are for basically night vision systems. The barrel nut needs some shims and The Reptile House is the first to get a review on building a HAO CAG 416D. https://thereptilehouseblog.com/2020/09/26/battle-of-the-cags-hao-vs-angry-gun-hk416d-kit-for-tokyo-marui-mws-zet-system-by-gbb-dude/
  11. It comes with it. Haha I wish.
  12. Hao kit coming in today MWS is about 3-4 days out then I'll have 8 mags to fiddle with lol 3 prowin 50-55r, 4 saa pmag 35-39r, and the OG TM 30 mag but I'll only ever need to carry 6-7 and being able to edit the loadout like having the 50's for CQC/covering fire or swapping to the front pouches after clearing a mag is nice and picked up a new stock and grip.
  13. @AlphaBear After looking at a few pictures i would say in a clockwise direction counterclockwise if done via the dust cover side.
  14. Going down the rabbit hole...... at least I'm in California and the weather is good year round. And if you can get etsy stuff shipped to the United kingdom this my be a nifty item. https://www.etsy.com/listing/855357705/speed-loader-adapters-compatible-with?ref=shop_home_active_1&variation0=1505309745
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