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Everything posted by DaveJayEm

  1. According to TG, they'll hopefully be restarting shipping (over £135) to UK this week . . .
  2. Haha yup! You're the first person to comment on it as well. It was the first thing I saw! To bring things back on topic... ProfFantastic, I'd be interested in seeing pics of the 2 loadouts you've described if you've got any.
  3. Not a law enforcement loadout but this is my circa 1880ish outlaw loadout, which might still provide you some inspiration. It's largely period authentic apart from the primary. You can't really tell in the pic but I'm holding a GE M870 which will have to do until I get a KTW Winchester. In my right hand is a Tanaka SAA. I also have a Umarex Colt not pictured I do have a Deputy Marshall one too but no decent pics at the moment. We're playing a Wild West game on Saturday so hope to get some then! Pic credit to The Airsoft Project. edit: just reread and realised you're looking for inspiration for more recent law enforcement.. sorry!
  4. I generally play at one of 4 sites. 2 have been given the go ahead from their respective councils (different areas) so games are on from today. 1 hasn't checked and just decided to stay shut until 12th. The 4th is an FAO site and they're all waiting until 12th too. It's a small sample size but seems plenty will be opening for better or worse.
  5. Looks identical to my Pentagon Artaxes that cost me £80!
  6. Check out 'Old West Airsoft' on Facebook. It was from their first game.
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